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Thank you. Reminder: New online payment service now available for Saint John Parking Commission customers 08-Oct-2020 City hours and service schedules for Thanksgiving 2013 Water Quality Report. The St. John Police Department was certified after taking extraordinary steps to demonstrate its pride and professionalism by achieving a body of critical law enforcement standards and operating in such accordance to promote professionalism and quality law enforcement services to its community. Located 24 miles southeast of Chicago, St. John is filled with quiet neighborhoods, quality schools and churches. [CDATA[ <!-- arrEmail1 = new Array("dwaite"+"@"+"" +""); //--> // ]]> The City of St. Johns Water Department is responsible for providing potable water services to all residents. Mint City, Clinton County Court House is located in the City of St. Johns An extensive bicycle and pedestrian trail winds through lovely subdivisions. Stay connected with us by following the social media channel of your choice. function imgSwap(img,swap) { The City requires a deposit for establishing new service which is held until services are discontinued or terminated and the customer does not re-establish water services anywhere else within the Citys service area. Meters are read after the 15th of each month. Deposits are first applied to the final bill and any remaining balance is mailed to the account holder.New residents should contact the Public Works Department at (928) 337-4517 for pricing and scheduling of water hookup. Water bills are due on the 22nd of each month. Mapcentre is an optimized GIS web application designed for LIS Department to make maps accessible on all popular smartphones, tablets and desktop devices. Please contact your local municipality if you believe there are errors in the data. Starting Monday, Oct. 5, 2020, the City will accept requests for events on City property and start to reopen City facilities. document.getElementById("switchImage").src = "/site/media/SaintJohn/video_tourv2-" + img + ".jpg"; It also operates a water treatment facility and performs regular water sampling to monitor and ensure water quality. Monitors quality and progress of work. } else { If service is disconnected for nonpayment, a $30.00 reconnect fee will be charged. The City of St. Johns Water Department is responsible for providing potable water services to all residents. St. John is a well planned community. If the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, payment is due prior to that date. The Property Appraiser is constitutionally mandated to assess real and tangible personal property and administer exemptions. St. Johns County Growth Management seeks a Senior Supervising Planner to provide professional planning support and customer service supervision for the Growth Management Department Trains, assigns, manages, supervises, evaluates and disciplines personnel for an assigned team. During the week, Monday Thursday 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. please contact City Hall at 928-337-4517.,"mywindow","menubar=1,resizable=1,width=874,height=692"); PO Box 455 PO Box 455, St. Johns, AZ 85936 PH: 928-337-4517 FAX: 928-337-2195 2013 City of St. Johns. document.getElementById("switchImage").src = "/site/media/SaintJohn/video_tourv2-default.jpg"; All Rights Reserved. Scheduled readings are affected by weekends and holidays, so all billing and reading dates are approximate and subject to change.