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Though it’s an annual, arrowleaf clover is a heavy re-seeder – with the right management, you can get several seasons of production out of one planting. Introduction 2. I love the ability to pick and chose from what merit has … Arrowleaf Clover – Arrowleaf clover is a cool-season annual that is highly productive in fall and spring and a top-choice forage for whitetails. It can be difficult to tell alsike clover from red clover, but it can be an important distinction. Alsike Clover is a perennial that acts as a biennial and has medium drought tolerance, growing from a tap root. References It is rich in nutrition, providing food and protective cover for livestock and wildlife. If you are among the beekeepers that live within the reach of larger fields of this type of clover, consider yourself fortunate because under favorable conditions the crop produces the best honey. Alsike white clover is a short-lived perennial clover that tolerates wet and acidic soils much better than alfalfa and slightly better than red clover. Alsike Clover. Rather, it is seeded along with grass or other plants, such as red clover, to improve soil, or as hay or pasture. Summary and Recommendations 6. The clover has taken off and right now is with standing some wet conditions and thriving. Alsike clover is among the best honey plants in the United States. Honey bees and other pollinator species are especially attracted to its white flowers for the nectar and pollen. This clover prefers very wet or acidic soils and is typically planted in a m Alsike Clover is recommended for its palatability and high protein levels for white tail deer and is a seed commonly used in deer plot mixes. Red Clover 5. White Dutch or Common White 4. Read all of the seed characteristics and chose a few clovers to try, but went with mostly Alsike. Alsike Clover, when flowering is especially attractive to bees. It is commonly used for hay, pasture, and soil improvement. Alsike Clover is a short-lived, non-creeping perennial clover with a growth habit similar to red clover and can be used for hay, pasture, soil improvement, and wildlife food plot. Alsike Clover 3. 1. Alsike clover isn’t planted on its own. The deer are mowing it down. The flowers are …