There are thought to be only around 2000 birds remaining in the wild. Mandarin Duck pair. Sometimes males can become aggressive to their keepers. All pick-ups will be on a first come, first serve basis. Reeves Pheasants begin breeding in late April, with hens laying clutches of 7 to 14 olive colored eggs. Breeding Season: April to July. The Reeves’s pheasant is a hardy bird, as it’s able to tolerate both hot and cold weathers. $295.00. We sell over 20 breeds of pheasants. It eats plants, seeds, and cereals. The male Reeves’s pheasant is a bright bird with a scaled golden white and red body plumage, grey legs, and bare red skin around the eyes. Their call is unlike other game birds in that it is a musical warble, sounding more passerine than a galliform bird. The female lays a 7–14 eggs, which hatch after 24–25 days. They are way too impressive for us to be without at Allandoo so we are on a quest to endear these imposing birds to the nation and hope to rear plenty of well behaved Reeves for many years to come. Clutch Size: 6-10 eggs. $300.00. It is named after the British naturalist John Reeves, who first introduced live specimens to Europe in 1831. Reeves's pheasants are often aggressive towards humans, animals, and other pheasants, particularly during the breeding season.[3]. Clutch sizes are usually about 10 - 12 eggs and an estimated average of 36 eggs per hen will not be far off in a season. In the latter three countries, they have built up small breeding populations, and are still released on a small scale for shooting, often alongside common pheasants. The Reeves’s Pheasant builds a nest on higher ground. The Reeves's pheasant is endemic to evergreen forests of central and eastern China. They lay around 6 – 10 eggs per clutch in April or May, which are incubated for 24 – 25 days. © 2017 – 2019, All Rights Reserved. It is named after the British naturalist John Reeves, who first introduced live specimens to Europe in 1831. The female lays a clutch of 7–14 eggs in April or May; the incubation period is 24–25 days. Candle the red golden pheasant eggs before placing them in the egg incubator. What is the difference between the Emu and the Rhea? The Reeves’s Pheasant is native to China. Reeves's pheasants are often aggressive towards humans, animals, and other pheasants, particularly during the breeding season.[3]. Their diet is vegetable matter, including seeds and cereals. Unfortunately the Reeves Pheasant has not got the best of reputations. We do sometimes get hens that forget to stop and will lay a fourth clutch upping the egg number quite substantially. There are issues including handling, temperature, and xrays. What is the difference between a clam, a cockle, a mussel, and a scallop? Reeves's pheasants are often aggressive towards humans, animals, and other pheasants, particularly during the breeding season. They are fairly common in aviculture. The Reeves pheasant is a large pheasant which is endemic to the mountainous areas of central China and is named after the British naturalist John Reeves.