From a fire extinguisher to a street water cannon. Dit bestand houdt gegevens bij van door u bezochte pagina's en bevat een aantal gegevens over uw bezoek. A building may contain some or all of the following features: fire extinguishers; fire hose reels; fire hydrant systems; automatic sprinkler systems. In order to be able to cope with any situation, you need the most complete set of equipment as possible. Most fires start small but, if left to develop, they will grow and spread, causing a great deal of damage and threatening the lives of those in the vicinity. Usually non-fire water damage only occurs if the occupants carelessly damage the system. Mocht u geen cookies accepteren, kunt u op instellingen klikken om deze optie te kiezen. Shore Connections (3) Hydrants/Landing valves (7) Fire Hoses (62) Fire Extinguishers & Accessories. A sprinkler head is really an automatic (open once only) tap. This topic outlines the various portable and fixed fire extinguishing systems that can be used in the event of a fire. From a fire extinguisher to a street water cannon. Deze website maakt gebruik van cookies om de website te verbeteren: om anonieme statistieken bij te houden, het mogelijk te maken om pagina's te delen middels social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) en om advertenties voor u relevanter te maken. FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT. Fire fighting equipment is equipment designed to extinguish fires or protect the user from fire. When a sprinkler head operates, the water pressure in the system drops, activating an alarm which often automatically calls the fire service via a telephone connection. Producten voor professionals. As has been explained, only those sprinkler heads heated by the fire operate; all sprinklers in a building do not operate at once. Compact tools for technical assistance. With our range of W.R.E.T., you can count on us for all your rescue equipment. Elsewhere, fire-fighting organizations are primarily composed of volunteers, or "vols." It may be used by trained fire fighters, untrained users at the scene of a fire, or built into a building's infrastructure (such as a sprinkler system). Ons assortiment is samengesteld met producten van toonaangevende leveranciers. Fire fighting systems and equipment vary depending on the age, size, use and type of building construction. We have a wide range of storage options. We also supply saw protection, cut-resistant gloves and safety vests. The principle fire extinguisher types currently available include: Fire extinguisher locations must be clearly identified. Our products have been certified by organizations such as UL, FM, BSI, LPCB and Global Mark. It is the policy of the Community Safety and Resilience Department that fire extinguishers be logically grouped at exits from the building, so that occupants first go to the exit and then return to fight the fire, knowing that a safe exit lies behind them, away from the fire. General Fire Fighting Equipment. The sprinkler head is connected to a pressurised water system. Fire hydrants are for the sole use of trained firefighters (which includes factory fire fighting teams). Done Reset Filter by Reset. Measuring equipment designed to provide the right information at the right time. Fire hydrant systems sometimes include ancillary parts essential to their effective operation such as pumps, tanks and fire service booster connections. 0 chosen Choose all Product Group (4) Container Fire Fighting (27) Fireman's Outfit (2) Fire Accessories (18) Foam Applicators & Accessories (7) Firehose Nozzles (77) Coupling and adapters (5) Int. Fire hose reels are provided for use by occupants as a 'first attack' fire fighting measure but may, in some instances, also be used by firefighters. Personal protection that protects against toxic and corrosive substances. A clear overview of our range for your perusal you’ll find in our webshop.