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Que vous soyez un joueur dbutant ou confirm, notre communaut de joueurs vous offre une large slection de parties et ce tout limite de jeux pour jouer au Texas Holdem, Omaha, Omaha Hi/Lo et bien plus. AMIS EN DIRECT : Download Poker Face social Texas Holdem and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Play Texas Hold'em Poker over Live Video Group Chat. Pokerface is a Group Video Chat Poker Game that will bring you and your friends together. We have already planned to all meet up which is a lovely thing.The very very down side on this app is getting kicked out during very big hands, Ive started from few chips and have built up to over 5billion, this issue seems to be just with iPhoneS, my friends with Samsung dont have this issue, you can be playing in a hand and it will just remove you from the table , intact it takes u out from the app. - Tournaments? Look in your opponents eyes!Good at keeping a poker face? jouer au poker avec Avatar est sooo Lanne dernire. Poker face, the world's first mobile social poker game that enables friends to play and connect via group video chat around a poker table, unveils its gaming experience to players around the world. Keep the card games going with our generous daily free chips bonuses, gifts, rewards and a big chips bonus every 4 hours. Si vous navez aucun problme pour ajouter Jetons votre jeu, alors laissez un commentaire et aidez-nous atteindre dautres personnes qui recherchent et apprcient cette application de piratage. Compatible avec tous les appareils Android et iOS, Pas besoin de craindre une interdiction de gnrer de lor illimit, Vous navez pas besoin de tlcharger de fichiers, Soyez matre dans Poker Face: Live Texas Holdem. Have a real poker night without leaving your house. Pour la premire fois, vous pouvez vous engager avec vos amis tout en jouant au Texas Holdem Poker ensemble ! Pokerface, le premier jeu de poker social au monde qui vous permet de vous connecter et de jouer avec vos amis via un chat vido de groupe en direct autour dune table de poker. There was no way I was loosing that hand, the cards that was there was just impossible.And then again another pot of over a billion of which 500mil was mine, Ive emailed them but dont get any response which is a shame. Connect with your homeboys and Join millions of players to meet new friends online Now: play poker face social texas holdem. Un vrai joueur de Poker en vido-chat de groupe: Chat vido de groupe en direct avec jusqu . Join the real # 1 Most Authentic and Popular Poker App in the world for free amis Multijoueur voyons! - Texas Holdem Poker with your friends together, and iPod touch les plus populaires | Multiplayer and let see. Available only on the best free Texas Hold em Poker with your friends 1.1.30 Sans aucun risque des aujourd hui, it 's so coooool qui cre les meilleures extensions pour jeux! 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