Washington is an open carry state, which means it is perfectly legal to openly carry a firearm. Last weekend, Seattle weathered fiery protests during which police shot tear gas and flashbang grenades into masses of protesters. (Olivia Vanni / The Herald). The group estimated 400 people took part for the hour-long demonstration. Similar rumors have animated large demonstrations or counter-protests by armed vigilantes in many cities around the country including Snohomish, Washington; Sandpoint, Idaho; and Bentonville, Arkansas. One counter-protester was videotaped in Redding, California, on Tuesday waving an American flag and shouting at people gathered in peaceful protest: Slaves belong on their knees. Protestors on their way to harass the Seattle police chief @carmenbest at her home, encountered locals who were not in the mood to host protests in their neighborhood. A large group of aggressive protesters swarmed Seattle Police Chief Carmen Bests Snohomish County home over the weekend, the police chief confirmed in an August 2 letter addressed to members of the Seattle City Council, detailing the incident. Armed men and Confederate flags were seen in the city of Snohomish, interrupting the peaceful demonstrations held in response to the death of George Floyd. We heard the outpouring from your heart Tuesday night in the council meeting. In a cellphone video, as a videographer pans over the scene, he is heard to say: If you guys are thinking of coming to Coeur DAlene, to riot or loot, youd better think again. It marred an otherwise successful weekend for organizers in Snohomish. Her arm was injured, the report says. Across the street, Costco closed early amid blocked roads and heavy police presence. Then Sunday came.. Its carrying a concealed firearm that will get you into trouble if you do not have a permit. But lets not forget that the threat from masked marauders is appallingly real. At one point in the video, a member of that club appears to hurl a racial slur at the demonstrators. Whats happening in this country is not a drill, and the more legal resistance the Brownshirts meet the moment they step outside Democrat-run cities, the sooner they will become discouraged and give up on their desire to expand their rampage into the suburbs and rural areas into our peaceful homes and communities. According to Kartaks radio interviews, easily identifiable members of antifa were spotted in town. If thats what happens outside Seattle, imagine the perfectly legal show of force they can expect outside of a Charlotte or a Milwaukee or a Detroit, or any southern or Midwest or blue-collar area. None of this was brought to our attention or reported until it surfaced on social media the following day.. Adamowsky said she returned to Second Street and Avenue D on Monday to support protesting students and didnt feel safe leaving them alone to walk the towns main street.