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Go to the exam taker login (on top) and enter your UBIT name and password, 2. Upon completion of the exam, the Examplify application performs an action to revert the device security settings to the device settings prior to the examination session. Once you have logged in you can change your password. Yes, once you receive your final published result, you can choose to take a UP for any of your individual units of your choice. No, due to the accredited nature of the degree Juris Doctor students will not be able to request an ungraded pass as a right. We have prepared an Examplify Student Guide [PDF, 1.61MB] to help you get started. The questions in the mock exam have nothing to do with a unit you are studying and are there solely for you to practice answering. You have the ability to answer questions in order or skip around to a specific question. We suggest that you let your friends and family know that you are sitting your exam and require a private quiet space for the duration. The mock exam is taken using Examplify. If you think you are going to need to take more than two Semesters to complete your dissertation, please contact your Honour supervisor in the first instance. The Ungraded Pass option is available for coursework units within an Honours sequence, but not for the research project itself, that is the dissertation units. If you have any questions about exams, head to askUWA and search the FAQs or visit the dedicated FAQs for online exams. Word Count - Examplify provides a word count for essay answers. It may be used in an aggregated or de-identified form to analyse traffic patterns, space usage or allocation. We will confirm by email your registration with details of the venue. Yes. Whilst delivery of learning may have changed, academic standards and learning outcomes have not. Support materials are being prepared to help you with the UWA Examplify Mock Exam. If you are unable to sit an exam at the scheduled time due to religious circumstances, please submit an application for special consideration. ExamSoft recommends that you use Firefox when installing Examplify. An ‘ungraded pass’ (UP) does not impact your WAM or GPA in any way. %PDF-1.6 %���� Hold down the power button until the computer restarts. Examplify can be used on most modern Microsoft Windows-based computers (i.e. Make sure you know your ExamSoft userID and password. Students can apply now and the deadline via this process is also 22nd July. At the exact start time of your exam click on 'Download Exam'. The University has chosen to use Examplify, an assessment program developed and licensed by ExamSoft for online exams which will be centrally administered by the Exams Office. This analysis is a key to safeguarding and transforming the University’s future. For a mid-exam freeze or crash, rebooting the computer without closing Examplify usually solves the problem. If you do not see a pop-up PDF of your exam questions after you begin your exam, then contact Law Records immediately at 716-645-2060. ExamSoft requires only the limited personally identifiable information necessary to perform an exam. To ensure your internet connection is not interrupted or slowed, ask other people in your house not to watch Netflix or download large files while you are sitting your exam. Remove anything on your desk that is not related to your exam. Using an outdated version may cause issues uploading exam answers. Examplify maintains several encrypted copies of your exam on your hard drive.