Erie Institute of Technology Inc is a higher education institution located in Erie County, PA. Great place as long as you don't need or want health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, a pay raise ever, and a guarantee of scheduled hours. Through the alliance, OSHA and the Institute will provide information on OSHA national, regional and local emphasis programs; opportunities to participate in the federal rulemaking process; and occupational safety and health laws and standards, including the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers. © Copyright 2020 - Erie Institute of Technology - All rights reserved. The total enrollment at Erie Institute of Technology Inc, both undergraduate and graduate, is 295 students. In false, 6 degrees were awarded to women at Erie Institute of Technology Inc in General Computer & Information Sciences, which is 0.188 times less than the 32 male recipients with that same degree. great co-workers. Applicants will be required to complete a Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam (SLE). No room … Forgot the desks and chairs, they are all falling apart. "By joining forces, we will help save lives, prevent injuries and illnesses and raise public awareness about issues critical to protecting workers.". Through its Alliance Program, OSHA works with businesses, trade associations, unions, consulates, professional organizations, faith- and community-based organizations and educational institutions to prevent workplace fatalities, injuries and illnesses. Unfortunately the owners of this facility tend to be miserly with pay, would rather pay a fine than give health insurance, and are worth millions (see the new pool they paid for Mercyhurst prep). Additionally, both organizations will participate in forums, round-table discussions, and stakeholder meetings on youth safety to help forge solutions in the workplace and provide input on safety and health issues. Additionally, 0% of graduates (0 students) did not report their race. 5100 Peach Street
Some students and staff made it easy and fun to be there, otherwise not a great place to work. In 2017 only 14 schools received the School of Excellence designation. These rates should be interpreted with caution, as they may not be reflective of the entire school population. Whether you’re just starting out of high school, changing careers, or transitioning from the military to civilian life – EIT is there to help you through every step of the enrollment process. ERIE, Pa. — The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Erie Institute of Technology formed an alliance to promote workplace safety and health among the school staff, students and local employers in the manufacturing, construction and service sectors that hire institute students. You don't even need a degree to teach there which is a joke. More information about this alliance can be obtained from the OSHA Area Office in Erie by calling 814-874-5150.