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After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. The outer case for the three books was damaged on the top and bottom. It goes without saying that you must be familiar with The Silmarillion to make any sense of The History of Middle-earth series, and reading Unfinished Tales beforehand is strongly advised. The majority of our videos will be based on Middle Earth Lore and answering some interesting questions regarding The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and more. Do not buy this, unless you are prepared to examine closely every page and see if they are all there. The History of Middle-earth series: a Quick and Dirty Guide, A Tolkien Reading Order | A Phuulish Fellow, Naked Tolkien: The Amazon LOTR TV Series and Sex, Of Democratic Duties: Report from Taieri Candidate Forum, 2017 Fifty/Twenty-Five/Five Books Challenge. Lewis made an agreement – the former would write a time-travel story, the latter a space-travel story. Isn’t the dialogue between Finrod and the wise woman in Morgoths ring? Essentially, an Anglo-Saxon mariner washes up on a strange island and hears a bunch of stories from the local Elves – the stories that would eventually become The Silmarillion. There is also some very odd stuff in here – the original story of Beren and Lúthien battling Tevildo the Giant Cat being the classic example, though there are others (Morgoth is chased up a pine tree, which is then cut down). Unless you have special interest in these stories, or in Tolkien as a poet, this isn’t a particularly important volume. I am so pleased with the look of this. This caveat apart, I think that this new edition is certainly preferable to the alternatives. Please try your request again later. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. ( Log Out /  I would have expected something sturdier. ( Log Out /  A continuation of the previous volume, focused on the Beleriand-setting stories. (The Shaping of Middle-earth). Morgoth’s Ring contains Tolkien’s post-1950s attempts at making The Silmarillion fit with The Lord of the Rings – attempts that were ultimately unsuccessful, but which contain some breathtaking departures from the existing mythos. (Morgoth’s Ring). Most notable for the lengthy debate between (female) human and (male) Elf on their respective conditions*, and a much more extensive fleshing-out of the story of Húrin (which did not actually make it into The Children of Húrin). It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness. The manufacturing of the books is exceptional, the pages (as expected) are quite thin BUT this is not a criticism, the quality of the paper completely makes up for this with a very soft finish to the paper. The rest isn’t so important, unless you have a special interest in poetry, languages, or seeing how Tolkien constructed The Lord of the Rings. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. 11. It goes without saying that you must be familiar with The Silmarillion to make any sense of The History of Middle-earth series, and reading Unfinished Tales beforehand is strongly advised. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading.