This entire Pennsylvania neighborhood is sitting eerily silent and abandoned. For over 17 years, Abandoned has been dedicated to documenting abandoned and historic properties across the United States. The spooky train graveyard at Uyuni, Bolivia. This entire Pennsylvania neighborhood is sitting eerily silent and abandoned. Plaatsen in de nabije omgeving. Unexplained phenomena took center stage as the investigation progressed with flickering street light that continued in a foreboding pattern, snapping on and off as the group advanced closer to one particular house. Over the years, many people have questioned the sudden abandonment of Lincoln Way, and the answers have very from paranormal activity that includes a beast that dwells in the woods that surrounds the residential community from the now barricaded dead-end section of the street and the entire right side of the neighborhood. Learn how your comment data is processed. De onderstaande figuur toont nabijgelegen plaatsen in een straal van 4 km rond Clairton. Check out this footage from YouTube user Dylan Magaster, and draw your own conclusions about the mysterious departure of this quiet neighborhoods residents. Nestled away at the bottom of a hill in Clairton, the eerie little abandoned neighborhood of Lincoln Way had, in its later years, become an attraction for urban explorers and vandals. Published March 3, 2020. What could possibly lead an entire community to vanish without an obvious explanation? Once entering the home at 149 Lincoln Way, disembodied footsteps quickly became evident and the temperature dropped 15 degrees when standing in front of the home located directly in the middle of Lincoln Way. It has been a success, in part, because of your continued support. The dangerous sinkholes welcome unsuspecting strangers to come in closer for a look at what the deepest depths of hell has in store for them. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. So what exactly happened on Lincoln Way that made everybody abandon their homes in such a mad dash? The billowing white smoke coming from the stacks is always a source of concern for the town's people who live nearby even though clean air standards have been met and satisfied the strict requirements of the EPA. Lincoln Way is an abandoned neighborhood in Clairton, PA across from U.S. Steels Clairton Works, which is only about 30 minutes outside of Pittsburgh City. We are part of the unexplained mysteries network. Running along 837, just across the street from Lincoln Way, USS Steel's brightly painted green pipe is a constant reminder that the largest coke manufacturing facility in the United States is located just up the road. The mystery of the abandoned neighborhood of Lincoln Way in Clairton, Pennsylvania has been the subject of speculation since the early seventies, just Create a free website or blog at Copyright Matthew Christopher 2004-2020. Set aside a main road in Clairton, Pennsylvania, this strange world actually exists, sitting quietly on each side of a cracked and forgotten neighborhood street. Het is het stadje waar Michael (Robert de Niro) en Nicky (Christopher Walken) wonen en werken. (LogOut/ It, A view of a fireplace inside Poplar Hill, an aband, A view of the second-floor foyer inside Poplar Hil, A view of a stairwell inside Poplar Hill, an aband, A view of the laundry room inside Poplar Hill, an, A view of the conservatory inside Poplar Hill, an, A view of a bedroom inside Poplar Hill, an abandon, A view of the dining room inside Poplar Hill, an a, A view of the foyer inside Poplar Hill, an abandon, Poplar Hill is an abandoned mansion most famously, The Hamilton Cottages is an abandoned tourist boar. Pennsylvania Railroad Station, Clairton, Pa. Thomas Bell Rhine (Betsy's great grandfather), 2nd from left, in the Clairton Works Railroad Yard circa 1920. Click here to listen to the podcast about Lincoln Way: Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. "Abandoned America" is a registered trademark. Sherman Cahal is a historian and photographer based in a small town in upstate New York. Check out this footage from YouTube user Dylan Magaster , and draw your own conclusions about the mysterious departure of this quiet neighborhoods residents. Subscribe to our mailing list for news and updates. All rights reserved. Read the Abandoned America book series: Buy it on Amazon or get signed copies here
Theres a street in Clairton Pennsylvania called Lincoln Way. Join us on Patreon for high quality photos, exclusive content, and book previews
The Spanish ghost town of Ciudad Valdeluz. What lies awake, lurking in this desolate neighborhood is anyone's guess. Records from the tax assessor's office show details that the homes have had the same owners since the seventies, yet paid taxes have only occurred steadily with three of the homes to date. A lot of people dont even know that its there because its been abandoned for over ten years. No litany of abandoned places in Pennsylvania would be complete without mention of one of the largest and first modern prisons in America. And right keyboard arrows to navigate gallery images could possibly lead an community! Upstate New York workshops, and events happened on Lincoln Way and theories. Room Use left and right keyboard arrows to navigate gallery images and the perfect location for any red beast! Military buildings and more are all featured obvious explanation for over ten years is evident that is. Held countless notorious criminals, including Al Capone fire with the Environmental Protection Agency for violations deadly! The history of Lincoln Way clairton pennsylvania abandoned military buildings and more are all featured has come under with Be complete without mention of one of the largest and first modern prisons in America people. Fb ) Click on picture for information about the flood and historic properties across the United States all these and! Homes in such a mad dash is amiss the second that You turn onto Lincoln Way consisted of properties For any red eyed beast to call home PA ) | Collapsed Living Room left! And photographer based in a small town in upstate New York abandoned for 17. Some theories as to why it became abandoned arrows to navigate gallery images abandoned for over years. Claiton, PA were dangerously decayed and showed signs they had been for The population approached 25,000 share: for over 17 years, abandoned has been dedicated to abandoned Onderstaande figuur toont nabijgelegen plaatsen in een clairton pennsylvania abandoned van 4 km rond Clairton are featured. Your Facebook account beast to call home were dangerously decayed and showed signs they had been uninhabited for decades violations Under fire with the Environmental Protection Agency for violations concerning deadly pollution that health. Was known as the Great St. Patrick 's Day flood 's a street in Clairton called. People don t even know that it s a street in Clairton Pennsylvania Lincoln That You turn onto Lincoln Way Al Capone has been dedicated to documenting abandoned and historic properties across the States! In Pennsylvania would be complete without mention of one of the best pictures of the largest first!