Alternative business structures, authorized to deliver legal services under a scheme drawn up by the Legal Services Board, Advocates for a Better Society, a new social lobby group, The body which deals with complaints against judges, The body which deals with complaints against barristers, The body which deals with complaints against solicitors, The body which deals with all complaints against lawyers, Work provided by qualified lawyers free at law centres or advice centres, Advice provided by law students in University legal clinics, These are the people who manage solicitors' offices, These are the people who manage barristers' chambers, These are the people to take decisions about who can practice as a lawyers, These are non-professionally qualified staff who do much of the legal work in solicitors' offices, Circuit judges are those who determine civil cases in the county court, and criminal cases in the Crown Court, High Court judges who sit in courts in different circuits around the country. The administrative justice system. Some insights into peer-assessmentA. Having a compulsory MCQ section allows efficient
Burden of proof – liability must be shown on the balance of probabilities (lower standard of proof). Commercial law 2 and the resources list below may be of help. examining in a law module. questions: an introductory workshop [online] Knowledge-based questions
scoring issues because in this assessment we are simply looking for competence;
where they went wrong but why. Nevertheless
Multiple choice questions. Inevitably, the main stumbling-block is finding the time. The Times Higher Education Supplement
Law is an instrument by which legislative and political aims are applied application skills, although testing requires a sufficient number of questions
In our experience some students will rote-learn whatever method of assessment
Strict rules relating to evidence, pleading and procedure. and using Web-Based Learning. Appeals are to the employment appeal tribunal (EAT) and can only be made on a point of law. Magistrates dealing with family law matters. Producing an exercise for English Legal System which allowed us to test
know the stuff but that they have been able to find it within certain
This allows students to get instant
but allows students with better understanding to demonstrate it. (and by implication encouraging) surface learning. answer-range for MCQs means that tutors know all the possible errors that
There are numerous guides to writing effective multiple-choice questions8,
an oral run-through of answers following a test or written feedback on
4 Does using MCQ assessment encourage rote or surface learning? multiple-choice questioning in their teaching.