Stock loans are used to enhance liquidity in the financial markets. Beginning of the new year, which began to against our faces liquidity. Topping In global liquidity, the process of sending funding payments from accounts held in the UK to accounts held overseas. My boss believes in keeping some cash reserves available to our firm to allow us to have some liquidity we can tap when times are tough. Translations of the phrase ITS LIQUID FORM from english to spanish and examples of the use of "ITS LIQUID FORM" in a sentence with their translations: ...its solid form floats on its liquid form , … Indeed the more the solvency of institutions is uncertain, the more the regulation of liquidity becomes important. The liquidity of the firm was excellent as they realized the value of having money available immediately for emergencies and other uses. The medicine is available in liquid form. | (economics, countable) An asset's property of being able to be sold without affecting its value; the degree to which it can be easily : 11. No long interest rate future or option contract exists at present due to the lack of, 20. Monitoring becomes much more labor intensive and difficult in asset classes where there is low liquidity and lower transparency. 2. One key characteristic missed by volatility is liquidity. 270793 Water is a liquid. (uncountable) The state or property of being. Since bills are a reserve of banks, this too will reduce banks', 24. Second, the Bank has introduced repos to manage banking system liquidity. But, far below the freezing-point, transformations may take place in the solid metal, and follow a course quite parallel with that of freezing, though with no suggestion of liquidity. liquidity projection ' (Event 416) will also be run at 19:00. An example of liquidity is a checking account in the bank. The tower is fully let, leading to speculation that funds were diverted to deal with its, 25. The Cash Flow Statement is considered to be superior to Statement of Changes in Financial Position to ascertain the liquidity of an enterprise. Secondly, banks must maintain an adequate degree of, 14. 2. On Friday 24 December 1999 the Bank of England published, on its webpage, data on UK foreign currency liquidity for end-November 1999. market liquidity refers to the willingness of market participants to buy or sell a particular security. Given the choice, any investor would prefer high liquidity. 3. In the UK, we tend to prefer smaller units for increased liquidity. Examples of liquid in a Sentence Adjective Water and milk are liquid substances. Though the liquidity effect is not entirely transient, the output effects of monetary shocks outlast the interest-rate effects. While leasing may seem like a relatively straight forward process, the accounting and tax treatment of leases can vary greatly depending on if a lease is considered to be capital or operating in nature. The boiling point of a liquidis raised by the presence of a substance dissolved in it. How To Use Liquid In A Sentence? Liquidity in a sentence 1. From Cambridge English Corpus "With benefit of hindsight it would now appear that liquidity support may.