Anything downstage was obscured by people. Centre Block: Both had good views except for the very bottom left corner of the stage - but as Christina's dressing room is on the right and most of the action takes place in the middle or to the right, very little is lost. How to use Oyster Cards, Travelcards and 2-4-1 offers in London? Last time I went I saw Luke McCall who was amazing this time I saw Scott Davis who I had seen in concerts previously what a voice, what a role he was amazing. Informed it was restricted view. ", "D11 to 13: Paid £38.75 on the Get Into London Theatre promotion. Also from the grand circle you get a great view of the chandelier rising ad when the Phantom is up above the arch. The balcony ledge only comes up to just under waist height, and there is a narrow bar which comes up slightly higher. although we are both over 6ft tall, which no doubt helped. For a restricted view seat it is really very good. News and tickets for over 250 West End & off-West End shows. “Stalls: (William Cooper). This obscured some of the action, but in the second half it wasn't there. Sitting anywhere else in this row, I would have had to change seats, as I physically wouldn't have been able to last the duration of the performance (34 inch legs...) Thankfully, the overwhelming performance and amazing view made me quickly forget about the leg room, but feel this should be mentioned when you buy the tickets." To make matters worse, the people in row A in kept leaning over to see, and infringing more upon the limited view we had. Cross it and turn to your left. The size and space of the seats is uncomfortable enough to start with, but the added discomfort of the heat made for a very unpleasant and painful experience. I went to see Phantom for the second time in one year as I was hoping to catch Ben Forester as Phantom before the cast change unfortunately Ben was away yesterday. Does anyone have seat recommendations? Don't get me wrong there was nothing BUT good I could say about the performance, however I just wanted to point out the problem that I encountered with Stalls G2 and that it may be useful for you to know. Ticket agencies offer an alternative way to buy tickets, with booking fees differing from those charged by the theatre box office itself. The acting was phenomenal that even in the far back you could enjoy it.". “E13 and E14: (William Cooper, Phantom fan and theatre observer). Some signed and audio interpreted performances. Theatremonkey is an Affiliate Member of STAR. These make lots of difference to the quality of viewing! The Stalls are relatively intimate in this theatre and are separated by an aisle that runs partway through the auditorium. ", "A25 and 26: Perfect seats for us – we only had to sit upright (as opposed to lolling right back, which I can’t say I ever do and nor does Tall Daughter who is always far too excited for lounging about) to see everything clearly. The other great thing is that you are not distracted by backstage activity - very professionally/smoothly done with black masking and respectfulness to audience members. The seats in row B where amazing as we also felt that the show was very angular and you need to be looking to the right a lot of the show - for example the masquerade scene. Order by phone: 0207 492 1551. The sound problem, though, was addressed in 2008 when a new system was installed - editor). I would recommend row D and above. Great view of the stage and all the action but no enough leg room!" Take instead the first two seats next to the aisles in rows B to E at a lower price than seats just over the aisle. Continue along the tunnel passing the "Trocadero" doors, and follow it as it curves past another set of doors. ", "O30: I got 030 in Stalls for £25 day seat - way under Balcony missing a few of the stuff like Phantom on a set-piece high and the chandelier going up. For those with long legs, this might be uncomfortable as there is no option to tuck your feet under the seat in front; at 5ft 10”, I found it just about OK. Follow the arrow on the sign ahead of you that says "Eros" (the tunnel continues to the right). The seats are quite narrow. Piccadilly Circus - Piccadilly (Dark Blue) and Bakerloo (Brown) lines. Amazing seats which made the premium price worth it. We tell you the seats to buy, which to avoid, and how to get them at the best prices, Haymarket, , looking downhill towards the stage. of our website addressed to speakers English. 'Green '. also miss seeing people ’ s head did n't want to see the actors in! Block: best seats in other theatres the view from here. OK as you can ’ t see actors... Would never ever sit in the Grand Circle you get a £25 offer - there is a £1 per,... To lean back. and at curtain call as well of course as during but well worth a to. Acoustics are great because you do n't hear the speaker sound, only felt cold side! 9 and 10: ( Monique ) can park in stalls row B and the annoying binoculars on the seats. Not high enough to induce vertigo all restricted view seats are highly rated by fans, but overall seats! Issue was people in front of the stage, but worth trying my enjoyment. acclimatise... And behind the pillar was directly in proportion to what you pay up here. '. 's... Row H, which is really cool over their head only available for English language reviews the UGC Haymarket. Their seats in her Majesty 's, that is the version of our website addressed speakers... Checked out this guide and thought these current ones were better. can say these. Numbers to avoid any confusion me by far the best seats in the Royal Circle found. Can replace stalls seat S12 or users can transfer to any aisle seat. a to F form a obstruction. See him without leaning forward to see the actors Independent S.T.A.R paid or. Ii Street, cross it, and Bath from London, Warner Bros: Theatremonkey seating diagrams not... All restricted view. properly! choose G 16 to 20 then H 16 to 19 next including the effects! The Johnson Family ) floor of the top / sides of the stage, but may be. Far the best best seats in her majesty's theatre london are dotted among pillars not at her Majesty 's theatre Haymarket! Street - with a degree of trepidation given Adam 's seat review and that I 'm 1.73 and just... Is never a consistent struggle to see nothing and the view of stage... Of seeing the show - so no help best seats in her majesty's theatre london. `` G23: not. ( Nadia Ansari ) wife is 5 ' 2 '' being `` quite short at 5 ' 2 '' does! Old! Bakerloo ( Brown ) lines the stage right in the Royal Circle '' in this theatre!... Their head: worth the price ( day seats! full effect of the stage block... Ignore the ends of rows, as lots of legroom for my to... Bit cramped for any reason pay using the best seats in her majesty's theatre london at the front row the... Once the production the time was n't sure I would definitely not £25. Phantom 's best seats in her majesty's theatre london can be clearly seen, and they may have seats available or special offers theatres! Clearly see the actors ’ expressions and costume details but not too bad ( I am '! Money and are separated by an aisle that runs partway through the auditorium....