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Abolishing the Council of State eliminated that possibility, so the new constitution created the elected position of Lieutenant Governor so there would be a backup official. 2. It shall not have jurisdiction in civil causes where the matter in controversy, exclusive of costs, is less in value or amount than five hundred dollars, except in controversies concerning the title or boundaries of land, the probat of a will, the appointment or qualification of a personal representative, guardian, committee or curator; or concerning a mill, road, way, ferry or landing, or the right of a corporation or of a county to levy tolls or taxes; and except in cases of habeas corpus, mandamus and prohibition, and cases involving freedom or the constitutionality of a law. 17. The counties of Bath, Highland and Rockbridge shall form another district: XXXVIII. Check out using a credit card or bank account with. the counties of Elizabeth City, Warwick, York, Gloucester, Matthews, Middlesex, Henrico, New Kent, Charles City, James City, and the city of Williamsburg, shall constitute the sixt circuit. 6. [10] Voting by secret ballot was rejected, perpetuating the voting vive voce aloud. With education as its primary focus, it offers public lectures, seminars, conferences, and consulting services; publishes teacher resource materials; conducts teacher training and recertification workshops both on- and off-site; arranges school and general group tours and activities; supports scholarly research through an endowed fellowship program and minority internships; maintains a museum of changing, permanent, and traveling exhibitions; operates a research library and a publications program that has functioned uninterrupted for more than 100 years. The counties of Giles, Mercer, Raleigh, Wyoming, Logan, Boone, Fayette and Nicholas shall constitute the fifteenth circuit. It is known as the Reform Convention because it liberalized Virginia political institutions. © 1975 Virginia Historical Society The General Assembly may levy a tax on incomes, salaries and licenses; but no tax shall be levied on property from which any income so taxed is derived, or on the capital invested in the trade or business in respect to which the license so taxed is issued. The counties of Richmond, Lancaster, Northumberland and Westmoreland shall form another district: XXI. The whole number of members to which the state may at any time be entitled in the House of Representatives of the United States, shall be apportioned as nearly as may be amongst the several counties, cities and towns of the state, according to their respective numbers; which shall be determined, by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. That document was ratified by the voters, as was its replacement in 1851. The General Assembly may vest such jurisdiction as shall be deemed necessary in Corporation Courts, and in the Magistrates who may belong to the corporate body. I use WIKI 2 every day and almost forgot how the original Wikipedia looks like. 37. The preparation of the first Virginia Constitution began in early 1776, in the midst of the early events of the American Revolution.