Rather than enrolling in predetermined courses that require a set amount of time to complete, competency-based degree programs allow you to master specific skills in your field of study at a pace that works best for you. Anderson is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. I understand that such calls, emails, and messages may be sent using automated technology. In a world where most of us are balancing multiple priorities—like jobs, family, and personal lives—many working adults no longer have the time to earn college and graduate degrees through the traditional course-based system of higher education. #3 Capella University. 7 competency-based higher ed programs to keep an eye on The University of Michigan. Brandman is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission. Rather than enrolling in predetermined courses that require a set amount of time to complete, competency-based degree programs allow you to master specific skills in your field of study at a pace that works best for you. “Competency-Based Education: What the Board Needs to Know,” on the Internet at http://agb.org/trusteeship/2014/1/competency-based-education-what-board-needs-know. #2 Brandman University. MDC Accelerate competency-based education (CBE) programs are designed in an accelerated and flexible online format for working professionals. Walden University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, www.hlcommission.org. Because most of these institutions offer their competency-based education as part of their online degree programs, you can enroll in (and complete) these programs from anywhere in the world. Talk to your personal Enrollment Specialist for more information today. The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, http://agb.org/trusteeship/2014/1/competency-based-education-what-board-needs-know, http://chronicle.com/article/Time-Is-Right-for-Colleges-to/233057/. Better yet, you can complete as many competencies as you desire during a specific term, giving you the opportunity to lower your tuition costs by finishing your degree faster. *, Are you or your spouse an active or retired U.S. military service member? Competency-based education is expanding learning opportunities for working professionals. Each program was designed with input from industry advisors. Please view our Privacy Policy or Contact Us for more details. “Time Is Right for Colleges to Shift from Assembly-Line Education,” on the Internet at http://chronicle.com/article/Time-Is-Right-for-Colleges-to/233057/. The competency-based education (CBE) approach allows students to advance based on their ability to master a skill or competency at their own pace regardless of environment. If you’d like to streamline your path to a college or graduate degree, it could be the perfect option for you. Graduate as a competent professional for a fraction of the cost. Once you’ve proven proficiency in all of the competencies in your field, you earn your degree. * Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges. While enrolled in the program, students will have opportunities to … This method is tailored to meet different learning abilities and can lead to more efficient student outcomes. In this setting, faculty members are available to guide you through each specific competency, providing you with educational support and ensuring you have access to the learning resources you need. You can use the learning resources provided to you by faculty, and apply knowledge acquired through work, life experiences, or prior education. *. By submitting this form, I agree to receive emails, text messages, telephone calls, and prerecorded messages from or on behalf of Walden University and its affiliates as listed in the Privacy Policy regarding furthering my education. The majority of universities offering competency-based education do so as part of their online degree programs. As The Chronicle of Higher Education points out, “Digital technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to individualize education to meet each student’s learning needs.” † By providing you with the opportunity to learn online from home and at your own pace, competency-based degree programs give you the flexibility to hold down a full-time job while accelerating your learning so you can earn your degree faster. Are you or your spouse an active or retired U.S. military service member living outside the United States?