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But there are so many other factors that play into this. My personal goal, I know that its shared by a majority of the Council, is to get as many of those interested in the issue involved and talking about the issue, at least to where people have a good sense of what theyre getting into and hopefully have some kind of alternative. The Ozark Greenways trails are just so unique. 417-864-1651. There is nothing that says the property owner has to be notified or concur. And on some hot button issues you get a lot [of emails] and sometimes you get what we call standard mail, its word-for-word the same. (AP) Leaders of four universities and colleges in Springfield have asked city leaders to extend a mask mandate that is scheduled to end in mid-October to help them keep students and faculty safe during the coronavirus pandemic. McClure: Again, it comes back to the skills gap and making people aware of the good jobs that are there. Were looking at going on the ballot in November for a renewal. So you have to distinguish between that. Thats an effort going on with our workforce development office. We really did not have an idea on how to pay for it. The citys already doing a lot to fight it. We have to train on job skills. And were not unique. Arkansas judge dismisses lawsuit challenging virus mandates, Springfield Public Schools announces in-school learning plan beginning in November, FIRST ALERT WEATHER: Hot and windy ahead of tonights cold front, City of Springfield, Mo. So weve been able to do a good job in recruiting. Local news for Springfield, Branson and the Ozarks. They talked about the need for more police officers, more police coverage. He was the epitome of a good City Council member. Are you hoping that with this full police academy once the officers are on the street those numbers will go down? The city still has an obligation to fund that. So as bad as it is now, its not as bad as it could be. We have to work on finding what the consensus approach is on this. Now, to answer your question about whether or not there would be times that owner consent would not be necessary, and I think there might be those times. McClure: Right. Second, they have something to say you owe them the courtesy of listening and if they have a valid concern you do what you can do to help. Were collecting data and I hope it will help us as we try to move on this. I just disregard those. In November 2017, the city passed an extension at no tax increase the level property tax, with the idea of using that excess money we had for bond issues to focus on public safety. McClure: Right. I was blessed with a hardworking family that cemented my work ethic early in life as I helped my dad in his appliance store in downtown Springfield.