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3. Requests are reviewed by the Office of Graduate Admission. Center for Enrollment Research, Policy and Practice (CERPP) analyzes enrollment issues through the critical perspectives of social science researchers, policymakers, and college and university practitioners. A grade point average of 3.0 (A = 4.0) is usually expected as well as letters of recommendation and personal statements. This scholarship is awarded to students from Maryland with a GPA above 2.0 and a family income below $90,000 a year, or below $66,000 a year for students pursuing career and technology training. This scholarship is awarded to graduate students in education. 6. Applications are now being accepted for the Spring 2021 cohort that starts the week of January 18, 2021. Noguera, Pedro. Emery Stoops and Joyce King Stoops Dean. All items must be completed before the Final Application Deadline, including letters of recommendation and transcripts. Designed to accommodate your schedule as a working professional, the three-year program will train you to become a critically conscious leader with the skills to address inequities in education. Download the OCL online Application Checklist. Applicants are required to submit one of the following three assessments: Writing Assessment: This 30-minute online exercise measures your ability to demonstrate critical thinking skills in written form. Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT): If you take the GMAT more than once, we will consider your highest score in each section from each test sitting. The application deadline for the upcoming cohort is approaching. Admission to graduate programs in the USC Rossier School of Education is highly selective and competitive. Visit to Dazu Rock Carvings Site . Application requirements vary by program. If you have questions about admissions, connect with an Admissions Counselor. Executive Assistant to the Dean. The GRE is optional for all USC Rossier programs. No department code is required. Contact the appropriate office for assistance: For more information about registration and enrolling in classes, review Admitted Students: Next Steps. As a USC Rossier student you will join a community of students, faculty and alumni who are making an impact in various … Admissions Requirements. The application fee is $90. Waite Phillips Hall The virtual celebration and conferring of degrees begin at 9:00 a.m. When will I receive information about orientation and registration? Center on Educational Governance (CEG) focuses on the linkages between policy, educational governance, and the improvement of urban schools and systems.