King was erroneously given the credit for the sole reason of being the only other person present in those fights, punched so hard he crashed into the moon (as in his starting point was Earth), and then he. But he has a friend, a Quincy by the name of Uryu Ishida. 9 bonus As an esper she can perform psychic maneuvers such as telekinesisCh. Due to this he faces a self-imposed existential crisis, as he is too overwhelmingly powerful to gain any thrills from his battles. (100 sit-ups and 100 squats aren't a big deal, and while running 10 km and doing 100 press-ups is more impressive, it's still well within ordinary human limits). As a result, he was placed in S-Class. He is a short man with a big nose and large lips.Ch. 2 endnotes Despite not being physically strong, Mumen Rider is compassionate and brave, often throwing himself into dangerous situations without hesitation in order to save others, even if it means his death. He has an older brother named Bomb who is a martial artist of the same caliber.Vol. 11. It’s simply energy-based. Furthermore, he’s regarded by all as the final solution to any threat to humanity and the Earth. [volume & issue needed] Battles against him often devolve into wars of attrition. [episode needed] During the Monster Association attacks, he encounters Martial Gorilla who accuses him of assimilating with humans, but knocks him out when Martial Gorilla then attacks him.Ch. Leader of the space pirate gang 'Dark Matter', Lord Boros is a superpowered alien being who scours the universe looking for a worthy foe to do battle with. 3, S-Class is the highest hero rank in the Hero Association. During his first encounter with Sonic he moves his face so fast it blurs giving an incredibly unsettling effect. Zombieman is a S-Class Rank 8 superhero for the Hero Association. And he's got more screentime in the anime. Saitama obligingly throws a haymaker that he stops at the last minute. 25-26 He has participated in multiple martial arts tournaments, including the one that Saitama had entered.Vol. 47, Tank-top Tiger is voiced by Hiromu Miyazaki in the Japanese version[citation needed] and by Chris Tergliafera in the English dub. The monsters in the series are categorized by five threat levels: God (can cause human extinction), Dragon (can destroy multiple towns), Demon (can destroy a town), Tiger (can cause massive loss of life), and Wolf (generally dangerous).Ch. Within confined spaces, he wields his sword with such precision and speed that enemies are deatomized. Though he already seems ridiculously strong, Saitama eventually reveals he has a set of "serious series" moves... which amount to him actually trying. 25 He is also part of the promotion process for any rank 1 heroes who want to advance to the next class, although he mostly cares about those entering A-class or above.Ch. He is also the main antagonist of the Hero Hunt arc on and one of several antagonists in the Monster Association arc, Tatsumaki is the S-Class rank 2 hero of the Hero Association, as well as the older sister of Fubuki. 11, Narinki is voiced by Koichi Soma in the Japanese version and by Paul St. Peter in the English dub.Ep. Fukegao is a mad scientist with aspirations of world domination who creates an enlargement drink that transforms Marugori, who desired to become the strongest person on the world, into a mutated 27,000-centimeter (890 ft) giant.Ch. You can't just go around attacking other planets to liven up your boring little life. Breaking his limiter granted him the limitless potential to increase his strength. 19 he was enchained until he was found by Puri-Puri-Prisoner. Those that exist are far and few in between. Every time a trillion combines, it will give birth to a Multi-Cell Sperm, which is far stronger than the normal Black Sperm. Every Time Garou Meets saitama | Saitama Vs Garou All Fights, Saitama vs Genos Fight | One Punch Man (60FPS), [One Punch Man] Tornado girl destroyed the alien ship with her psychic power, Do small things with great love - Happy Sharing :). Currently, he's comparable as to what would happen if you put, He became a super hero for rather selfish purposes, is lazy, and seems to care more about having a fun fight and will sometimes ignore problems in his city until he's directly involved, but he. 30 Watchdog Man has shown to be incredibly strong and an expert in dealing with monsters, despite his size and look. Unlike his subordinates, he does not have a core. He initially refuses to shake Saitama's hand as he isn't S-class, and when Saitama calls him "middle-aged", he replies that he is only 37.Ch. Some obvious contenders are Saitama, the protagonist who can defeat anyone with a single punch. 22 He is absent at most S-Class meetings,Ch. 16 He soon goes up the ranks by performing many deeds, although many of his efforts are not recognized because of collateral damage or higher-tiered superheroes receiving more credit. This is particularly obvious in the Garou arc, where Saitama decides that Garou is human and won't allow the heroes to kill him.