In what ways has Jeff Immelt redirected the strategy of GE? You may write on your Questionnaire as you answer the questions. Browse through all study tools. Explain what a corporate social responsibility (CSR) issue is. a. In general, is the role of corporate activism healthy or unhealthy for shareholders and financial markets? In fact, a publically... Is the following statement true or false? International standards are adequate for environmental regulations. (Related topic business ethics.). Is there any legal justification for directors to engage in CSR activities? Frank argued that the complaint for disbarment should be dismissed because of prescription. Describe four CSR issues, explaining how these issues can impact a company's international business activities. Despite such significant contributions to CSR causes, why is Bank of America so resented, not only by the Occupy Wall Street crowd, but also by large segments of the general public? Hamilton as counsel for Gener in a civil case involving the recovery of the ownership and possession of a parcel of land with an area of 5,000 square meters, the two of them agreed on a success fee for Atty. Suppose the pollution caused by a company poisoned the Tsolum River for decades afterward. 2. Does judicial restraint or activism consider the Constitution static? How many juveniles got the death penalty in 2013? INSTRUCTIONS. In his comment, Atty. How does the death penalty provide closure? Doble Kara, a well-known solo practitioner, to represent her as a probable heir to the huge estate of her late lamented grandaunt who died without issue. She did not also file a withdrawal of her appearance. Create an account to browse all assets today, Biological and Biomedical Would that consciousness be affected or impaired in any way by physical trauma and do doctors have the right... What is the relationship between stare decisis and precedent? Why did Charles Manson not get the death penalty? (4%). Atty. Explain whether or not Atty. Should Atty. Atty. I didn’t say anything else or ask her anything else. Chloe had once before been consulted by Pedro Tigas, who had then paid her well. What are the major arguments for and against so called "strict constructionism" when it comes to the issue of judicial discretion? Your competitors believe that "the end justifies the means". A Justice of the Supreme Court saw the advertisement and thereafter called the attention of his colleagues. Who reviews all death penalty sentences in Georgia? The trial court ultimately rendered judgment in favor of Gener, and the judgment became final and executory. Why did Connecticut abolish the death penalty? The bank gave her a credit card with a credit limit of ₱250,000.00. Miriam's counter-affidavit constitute a breach of fidelity towards her client. Explain. She explained that the faculty and students would be sent to you to have their documentations and affidavits notarized; and that the arrangement would be very lucrative for you. What is another term for the death penalty? What country has the highest death penalty rate? Which organization lists transparency as one of its principles of social responsibilities? (2%), The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation. I’ll catch up with you after work. (Economics Consultant) You are able to prepare the report using the tools of analysis that are the hallmark of an excellent economist. The following multiple-choice Questions and Answers were developed in this format by the ABLM based on the Bioethics Case-based scenarios published by the University of Washington School of Medicine. What rights does the death penalty violate? (4%). He was able to persuade her to execute an affidavit of desistance in respect of her administrative complaint. But I am still listed as the counsel of record on this matter and after Marking tried to file a substitution of counsel around noon today the judge’s clerk called me and Marking jointly and told us both to show up on Monday because the trial will definitely start that morning and the judge wants to keep things under control and decide about the supposed switch in counsel. We can grab dinner and drinks at Happy Jack’s. Will the affidavit of desistance warrant the dismissal of the administrative charge? Draft the notice of hearing that Atty. Under the facts of the preceding question, assume that you had resigned from the Brando & Luzon Law Office prior to the filing of the money laundering case against Gregory and the others, and that you were not implicated in the case. Does the death penalty go against human rights? What distinguishes legal positivism from natural law? In v... What was Anthony Ray Hinton sentenced to? What do experts say about the death penalty? Spot issues arising in this fact pattern, identify the governing rules and/or comment paragraphs, and analyze the issues to the extent the time limits permit. He said that at the time the crime was committed he was walking by himself in the park by the lake, far from the crime.