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Error rating book. Dust flew, caking the second year completely. Bound by the diary to behave, however, Tom finds something has changed now that so much of Ginny Weasley now exists within her. She is British and has had a career as a homemaker. a voice returned, echoing around the circular passage. Refresh and try again. Ginny joue chez les Harpies de Holyhead avant de devenir journaliste sportive pour La Gazette du sorcier. Vernon, the picture perfect father (who is nothing but lovely we assure you), Petunia with her wonderful garden and perfectly normal non-magical life (who most certainly has no siblings, especially no freak sisters!). Rectify that mistake when it falls on Harry Potter's head in the Chamber of Secrets. Harry assiste à la Coupe du Monde de Quidditch avec les Weasley après un bref passage au Terrier. During the time Harry is the captain of the team, Ginny admired his efforts and aspired to match his Quidditch skills, despite admitting Harry is a better Seeker. The Sorting Hat has only been wrong once in its entire life. How is he supposed to deal with that? I don't like Dumbledore and it really shows. Harry recalled the sense of rightness he’d felt when he was first given the child. Ginny est née le 11 août 1981. By J.K. Rowling. Le 1er septembre 1991, Ginny accompagne avec sa mère ses frères Ron, Fred, George et Percy à la gare de King's Cross pour prendre le Poudlard Express. Draco Malfoy is in the middle of a very tense divorce when he has a chance meeting with a grieving Harry Potter. I don't like Dumbledore and it really shows. Elle entre à Poudlard en 1992 dans la maison Gryffondor. But there's a reason Tom is so mysterious, and everything he's told Harry is a lie. This has some unforeseen consequences, as Harry is soon after found by a young man, claiming to be able to help him with his newfound abilities.However, with the Neo Death Eaters at risk of taking over the Wizarding World once again and Harry's concern for his friends' and family's safety, will he be able to study his abilities to save everyone in the knick of time again or will he fail desperatly trying? Ginny Weasley's mother, Molly Weasley, is still alive and kicking at the age of 70. Maybe another widower can help?But what is supposed to be a gesture of support becomes something completely different... Just before graduation, Harry stumbles on a very unexpected relationship... Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (8), Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling (1), Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley (2), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (4), Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Supposed to be a one shot but I decided to continue it. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from Shmoop and verify that you are over the age of 13. Ginny devient attrapeuse pour le dernier match de l'équipe de Quidditch de Gryffondor, lorsque Harry a été expulsé de l'équipe par le professeur Ombrage. Harry barely heard her explanation of how sometimes a witch’s power lashed out during a particularly painful and problematic delivery. Unafraid in the face of extreme danger, Ginny is a true Weasley – loyal, brave, loving, and earnest.And we'll leave you with a little bit of extra info from the one and only J.K. Rowling:After a few years as a celebrated player for the Holyhead Harpies, Ginny retired to have her family and to become the Senior Quidditch correspondent at the Daily Prophet! Ginny Weasley (Click the character infographic to download.) Rectifica ese error cuando cae sobre la cabeza de Harry Potter en la Cámara de Los Secretos. His eyesight blurred as the full horror of what he’d done dawned on him. [Traducción al Inglés ya disponible en mí perfil]. Elle se rend sur le Chemin de Traverse avec sa famille et Harry pour acheter ses vêtements et livres de seconde main pour son entrée à Poudlard. She also shows pluck and fire when she tries to join the fight at Hogwarts, despite being underage; when Harry needs to get into the Room of Requirement, Ginny eagerly runs off to join the fray. Elle est très déçue quand elle apprend que Harry, resté libre, aurait très bien pu aller au bal avec elle mais surtout quand elle apprend que celui-ci en aime une autre, Cho Chang. With that, Harry Potter left, feet crunching on the scattering of bones, and headed off through the settling dust. Il ne lui dévoile sa flamme que dans l'euphorie d'un après-match de Quidditch pendant lequel Harry était en retenue avec Severus Rogue : Ginny lui bondit dans les bras en le regardant d'un œil déterminé... Sans réfléchir, Harry l'embrasse devant tout le monde, toute la salle les observe alors, notamment une Hermione triomphante et un Ron stupéfait qui lui lance un léger coup d'œil que Harry interprète comme "Bon... S'il le faut vraiment..." La créature dans la poitrine de Harry pousse alors un rugissement de triomphe.