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On Saturday Cooper said he called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, urging her to call the House back into session to investigate whether or not the Trump administration is deliberately trying to sabotage the USPS during the election. He brings to the job as Congressman prior experience in public service, and a wide array of real-life experiences in business, education, law and community service. No 3rd & Lindsley? accounts, the history behind an article. But we are in the worst economy since the Great Depression and government can, and should, help us climb out of the hole. They're our friends and represent the best of America. An online petition opposing the RNC coming to Nashville had just under 17,000 signatures on Thursday morning. We're talking all those Coopers that are involved in Nashville politics and government. If you dont think the government should offer targeted relief to particular firms then think about trading your business for theirs, or inviting friends to Nashville when there is nothing fun for them to do. Unfortunately, the state government spends more time criticizing Nashville than helping us. He brings to the job as Congressman prior experience in public service, and a wide array of real-life experiences in business, education, law and community service. The district includes Nashville and much of Dickson and Cheatham counties. After getting his law degree, he spent two years working for the law firmWaller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLPinNashville. We must not allow the entire live musicindustry to die in 2020! Appointed to the 11-member board by former Mayor David Briley, Cooper will be replaced by on the board by the new mayor. Progressives have been eying a primary challenge of Cooper for more than a year, citing what they deem insufficient enthusiasm for priorities like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. Follow Tennessee Lookout on Facebook and Twitter. Hard-hitting but fair. In addition to Coopers concerns, other Tennessee Democrats have said the city shouldnt host the RNC. Jim Cooper served 12 years in Congress, representingTennessee's 4th Congressional Districtfrom 1983 to 1995. Jim is a senior member of the Committee on Oversight and Reform which is the main investigative committee in the House. Born in Nashville, Jim represents the 5th District of Tennesse, which is comprised of Davidson, Dickson, and Cheatham counties. Nashville has the greatest immigrant community in the nation. Republican National Committee leaders are scheduled to tour Nashville this week. He ran for U.S. Senate in 1994 and lost toRepublican Fred Thompson. Currently a member of the compliance and government investigations practice group at Bass, Berry & Sims, Cooper also serves on Nashville's policecommunity oversight board.