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After Ninja does 8 damage to the core, several things happen at once: Emerald Golem's core stops glowing green, Emerald Golem's hands raise up into fixed positions in the air, wind tunnels appear on both sides of the screen which lead up to Emerald Golem's shoulders, the spiky emeralds on the golem's shoulders retract (making the shoulders safe for Ninja to walk on), and the golem's mouth opens up to reveal a green glowing ball with an angry face, which is Emerald Golem's true weakpoint. On its palms are rounded outlets with pink centers, designed to release pink lasers. Emerald Golem's true weakpoint, a glowing green ball of light with a face, arises from the bottom-middle part of the room. As you attack the heart, the boss will shoot green projectiles from the mouth down at you as well as change up its attack patterns to defend the heart. This boss appears at the end of the Howling Grotto area during part 1 and is a little more challenging than the previous bosses we have encountered. Emerald Golem's head's 8-bit spritesheet. The Shopkeeper explains to Ninja that the next boss is a challenge, the boss is big, and that the boss understands that the best defense is a good defense. Arcane Golem has prominent blue shoulders, flattened triangular shapes. Emerald Golem. He wears purple shoulder pads outlined with yellow, a belt of three purple oval gems outlined with yellow, white sleeves, white pants, y These can cause significant damage if you bump into them. Soundtrack In this second phase of the battle, you need to use the Wingsuit to keep afloat whilst using your melee or ranged attacks to hit the floating green orb. Emerald Golem's body is rectangular, with a spherical glowing green core at the center of its chest. Its head resembles a Blue Robes member, with a blue hood and darkened face, but instead of two separate glowing red eyes, it has glowing pink eyes, connected toget,, Attack Pattern: Basic Attack Triple Pound Attack Repeat. The shoulders are covered in triangular prisms of pink crystals that point straight up into the air. The Artificer's room, with the Arcane Golem's right hand lying on the ground. Also when the mouth opens up, the rock golem's eyes become rounder and glow more brightly. Emerald Golem is a green wisp that pilots a large emerald-filled golem as it digs through the caverns of Howling Grotto. Ninja attacking Emerald Golem's true weakpoint. Emerald Golem raises both hands after its core is depleted. The hand then quickly returns to its neutral position. We need to reach the green orb and to do so, use one of the wind geysers that appear on either side of the area to reach the boss shoulders. After enough time passes, the core glows green again and has its 8 HP restored, Emerald Golem's hands stomp the ground a couple of times in a row, the wind tunnels disappear, the shoulder spikes return, and the true weakpoint hides away again. It is also significantly larger too, being one of the larger boss fights in the game and filling the entire screen. Emerald Golem is a boss in The Messenger. 16-Bit Key art #2, which depicts Emerald Golem on the bottom. Type #1: 3/4/5 1/2/6/7 1/3/5/7 Fake-Out Lasers, Type #2: 2/6 1/3/7 -> 1/3/4/5/7 Fake-Out Lasers, Type #3: 1/2/6/7 3/4/5 1/2/4/6/7 Fake-Out Lasers. Emerald Golem complains about Ninja destroying its golem, but Ninja defends himself from the accusation, stating that he was only acting in self-defense. There are 7 lasers outlets on the ground, which are predetermined to perform one of three patterns. Emerald Golem's hands rest in their neutral positions at the ground on each side of its body. Full list of all 48 The Messenger achievements worth 1,250 gamerscore. Soundtrack A ring of 8 pink energy balls appears and starts circling clockwise around Arcane Golem's head. Ninja reaches the top of the Tower of Time, where he meets the three sages again. The Messenger Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Arcane Golem's hands descend to the ground level and hug the sides of the floor. "Boule Varte" is close in spelling to "Boule Verte," which means "green ball" in French. Emerald Golem is a boss in The Messenger. "Hand Sweep" and "Downward Lasers" become extremely fast. Each hand shoots a laser column down to the ground, and the pink energy ball outlines materialize into physical pink energy balls that deal damage. The game and is fought at the center of its chest its center around! Dlc of the arena to face off with the Arcane Golem and the two slowly float down to the Messenger., the rock Golem 's perspective about emerald Golem argues back, maintaining that it was just one big.! 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