$18.00 for adults. The Frick Collection | 1 East 70th Street New York, NY 10021 | 212-288-0700, Frick Art Reference Library | 10 East 71st Street New York, NY 10021 | 212-547-0641, Copyright © 2015 Frick Future. ..The proposed deisign promises to enhance the current functions of the Frick and does not seek to introduce new programmatic elements.” – The City Club of New York Why We Go: Even those with no taste for fine art will appreciate the grandiosity of the Frick Collection Museum. Many New Yorkers treasure this museum. 1 East 70th Street It was coke manufacturing that gave him his initial wealth but he was also chairman of the Carnegie Steel Company and played a role in the formation of U.S. Steel. ..The proposed deisign promises to enhance the current functions of the Frick and does not seek to introduce new programmatic elements.” – The City Club of New York, “A very respectful addition… They listened to a lot of people and delivered a plan that deserves support” – Peg Breen, President, New York Landmarks Conservancy (as quoted in the New York Times). The museum is small enough that you can afford to take your time and spend a couple hours taking in the pieces. What had been an alley parallel to 5th Avenue became enclosed. And so it did. One of the most opulent museums in New York City, the Frick Collection NYC opened to the public on December 16, 1935. If you’re in the neighborhood it’s definitely … His home in Pittsburgh is today the Frick Art & Historical Center. The Frick Collection does not allow photography, with the exception of in the Garden Court. Features: Housed in the former Henry Clay Frick House, designed by Thomas Hastings and constructed in 1914, the Frick Collection Museum is one of the finest small art museums in the United States, with a quality collection of old master paintings housed in 16 galleries. But the collection is still very much alive. You can’t share a special piece of art with a friend but you’re also able to focus on being in the moment. Write your own review! Do you agree? The Frick Collection is one of the most prominent art museums in New York. We make no guarantee that the promotions listed are available. Summary. Visitors easily pass through each room, taking in the art, decorations, and the furniture. After striking employees took over the factory building, Frick ordered the site be fenced in and, eventually, stormed by 300 armed private security guards. By the early 1900s he and his wife moved to New York City. New acquisitions are still being added to the collection. Visitors should also be sure to stop by the Music Room to watch the introductory video. The Frick Collection is an art museum located in the Henry Clay Frick House on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, New York City at 1 East 70th Street, located at the northeast corner with Fifth Avenue. It was coke manufacturing that gave him his initial wealth but he was also chairman of the Carnegie Steel Company and played a role in the formation of U.S. Steel.