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AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). A wild brumby in the Kiandra high country, in the NSW Snowy Mountains. The Sunday Telegraph is proud to share with you images shared with us to express our gratitude to a group of people who understood duty, defined bravery and loved their country. It’s not everyday when a lion can be gently kissed on the nose. Survey data collected by the Australian Alps Liaison Committee last year found the population was booming; up from around 5,000 in 2014 to 20,000. In comparison, there is a real risk of statewide or global extinction of unique animals and plants, as expanding horse populations destroy their habitat. Given the bitter division that remains in New South Wales and the legal battle raging in Victoria to stop 600 brumbies from being shot in the Alpine National Park, Mr Swain believes it is time for the Federal Government to intervene and develop a national brumby management plan. Brumby numbers boom in Kosciuszko under controversial new legal protections, NSW Government faces brumby cull revolt from within, Victoria will begin shooting brumbies after cattleman loses court bid, Live: Watch Daniel Andrews give his 100th daily press conference in a row. This was the solution to brumby management for South Australia's Coffin Bay National Park. GALLERY: These remarkable images highlight the full extent of how many people have flocked to Centrelink outlets across Sydney in a desperate bid to access welfare support amid coronavirus lockdown measures implemented by Australian federal and state government. The Sunday Telegraph is paying tribute to these people through pictures supplied to us by their proud relatives as we all honour our war heroes from home. It recognised the cultural heritage of wild horses to Kosciuszko National Park and prohibited their culling. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. Species like the southern corroboree frog and the Guthega skink are already threatened with extinction and are vulnerable to impacts of horses. (ABC Riverina: Rosie King) And that concerns Professor Hope gravely. Mr Swain, a Wiradjuri man and alpine river guide, is not talking about the impact of the summer bushfires. And the two sides of the debate are still very much at odds, with Mr Swain and his family's property often being the target of vandals. "Our opponents, for want of a better word, don't have much faith in the word truth," he said. Such a peaceful place, just me and the brums. In fact, the horses at the Sydney Olympics were Australian stock horses, a breed largely established from 15 founding horses selected in the 1970s. The pain he feels as he explains the damage he sees in the Snowy Mountains high country every day is clear across his face. Sleet and snow was just starting to blow in as we spotted these stallions having a bit of a rumble near Currango Homestead. "We have an opportunity to have a feral-free Australia — we're an island. Sorry we couldn't find a match for that, please try again, Your gallery is loading. Horses that went to support the war effort, the "Walers", were bred in the thousands across Australia to support colonial expansion and export trades. Invalid postcode. GALLERY: Swimmers and surfers flock to some of Sydney’s most famous beaches as they reopen Bondi and Bronte to the public following coronavirus-related closures. Victorian Premier warns state 'unlikely' to take 'big step' out of restrictions next week, One new case of coronavirus reported in Queensland, as virus detected in Townsville sewage, If the Government's gamble doesn't pay off, we are all in a world of (even more) pain, Australian writer Yang Hengjun formally charged with espionage in China, The emotional gift that left William Tyrrell's inquest in tears, The way the US votes can be confusing. "I work with a lot of international tourists, and a lot of them come to Australia for the native wildlife," Mr O'Brien said. Before deciding to legislate to protect feral animals in national parks, members of the NSW Parliament should look beyond the Deputy Premier for information on the brumby's history and management options. With swells pushing up to 10 metres off the Australian east coast, Sydneysiders flock to the seaside to catch a glimpse of massive waves smashing the coast with some surfers even risking life and limb to catch a break. A black brumby stallion with one of his mares. "We've challenged a lot of the scientific facts they put out there and proved them to be wrong. "It's definitely time for the Federal Government to step in, follow the science and do what's right for this country," he said. In comparison to Walers, brumbies in Kosciuszko are not genetically distinct from most other feral horse populations or domestic horses. "And the horses are out-grazing a lot of the grazers, that's the small wallabies and larger kangaroos. An early foal for this mob of brumbies in the Australian Snowy Mountains. Speaking at his 100th-straight daily press conference, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews says there have been 14 new cases of COVID-19. Instead, brumbies in sensitive parts of the park are to be trapped and then rehomed. The horses in Guy Fawkes National Park were short of food after fires and some had starved to death. When Richard Swain describes the condition of Kosciuszko National Park, he uses words like "disgusting", "disrespectful" and "a mess".