These free Cancer PPT presentations are all focused on the content needs of the Cancer and Chemotherapy fields in healthcare industry and focus on Cancer themes, terms and concepts. For example, Wilhelm Bombast von Hohenheim (1493–1541) best known as Paracelsus proposed to substitute Galen's black bile by several “ens” (entities): astrorum (cosmic); veneni (toxic); naturale et spirituale (physical or mental); and deale (providential). Results of the NCI-sponsored PLCO Cancer Screening Trial confirm that screening people 55 years of age and older for colorectal cancer using flexible sigmoidoscopy reduces colorectal cancer incidence and mortality. Soon a similar chemical nitrogen mustard was found to work against a cancer of the lymph nodes called lymphoma. Pg 1. Robert Remak (1815–1865), best known for his studies on the link between embryonic germ layers and mature organs, took another step forward by postulating that all cells derive from binary fusion of pre‐existing cells, and that cancer was not a new formation but a transformation of normal tissues, which resembles or, if degeneration ensues, differs from the tissue of origin. For instance, in case 1 of the Edwin Smith papyrus caregivers are called “lay‐priests of Sekhmet;” the feared lion‐headed “lady of terror” and one of the oldest Egyptian deities also known as the “lady of life” patron of caregivers and healers.3. Autopsies, done by Harvey (1628), led to an understanding of the circulation of blood through the heart and body. The trade call[s] it soot‐wart.”43 Pott was well aware of the progressive nature of the disease, the benefits of early intervention, and of the fatal outcome of late surgical intervention. throughout Western Europe that, “Flourished during the times of the Christian crusades and pilgrimages that were found mostly in monasteries where monks extended care to the sick and dying, but also to the hungry and weary on their way to the Holy Land, Rome, or other holy places, as well as to the woman in labor, the needy poor, the orphan, and the leper on their journey through life.”24. Katsusaburo Yamagiwa (1863–1930) induced squamous cell carcinoma in rabbits' ears chronically exposed to coal tar. In 1896 a German physics professor, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, discovered and presented the properties of X rays. A consortium of international researchers analyzes more than 2,600 whole genomes from 38 types of cancer and matching normal tissues to identify common patterns of molecular changes. Bony skull destruction as seen in cancer of the head and neck has been found, too.Although the word cancer was not used, the oldest description of the disease is from Egypt and dates back to about 3000 BC. Pharmaceutical Applications of Dendrimers. It describes 8 cases of tumors or ulcers of the breast that were treated by cauterization with a tool called the fire drill. This was the only episode of exposure to a chemical warfare agent during WWII. According to the Ferromagnetic Cancer Theory, accurate anti-iron methods of the Old Testament can successfully beat any cancer. Bilroth in Germany, Handley in London, and Halsted in Baltimore are the pioneers of cancer surgery. Hippocrates (c.460–360 BC) describes diseases that produce masses (, Aulus Cornelius Celsus (25BC‐50AD) describes the evolution of tumors from resectable. While credited to Hippocrates, the true origins of this system are controversial. Some have used caustic medicaments, some the cautery, some excision with a scalpel; but no medicament has ever given relief; the parts cauterized are excited immediately and increase until they cause death.”. Beneath it, there must exist some more intimate element which science would need in order to define the nature of cancer.”51. I will do no harm or injustice to…[patients]. In the presentation speech, the Dean of the Royal Caroline Institute stated, “By feeding healthy mice with cockroaches containing the larvae of the spiroptera, Fibiger succeeded in producing cancerous growths in the stomachs of a large number of animals. Please note that medical information found
150 B.C. However, the experiment was interrupted when his servants drowned the constantly howling dog. Theodor Boveri (1862–1915 first proposed a role for somatic mutations in cancer development based on his observations in sea urchins. the discovery of Radium and Polonium, and formulating the theory of radioactivity (a term she coined). Galen of Pergamum (c.129–200) classified tumors according to nature and gravity in the first ever written document of antiquity devoted exclusively to tumors. His pioneering anatomical studies, based on dissecting pigs and primates were only surpassed by Andreas Vesalius' pivotal 1543 work De humani corporis fabrica based on human dissections. He postulated the presence of an “Ichorous matter”; a cancer‐promoting factor akin to a virus, emerging from degraded or putrefied lymph. She specialized in Clinical Pharmacology after her bachelor's (MBBS). Soon after, mustard gas was brought to the world's attention by a WWII incident where servicemen and civilians were accidentally exposed to the agent, contributing to launching the era of cancer chemotherapy.90 A 10‐centuries old town of ∼65,000 people, Bari was both the main supply center for British General Montgomery's Army and headquarters of the American Fifteenth Air Force division. Pg 10. By day 49, his tumors had recurred, and chemotherapy was resumed with a 3‐day course of “lymphocidin.” The response was short‐lived, and he was administered another 6‐day course of substance “X.” Unfortunately, he began experiencing intraoral bleeding and multiple peripheral hematomas and died peacefully on December 1, 1942 (day 96).