A neurological exam may include testing for reflexes, natural movement and ear issues. The outcome is usually better if the child is younger at the time the surgery is conducted. Strabismus is a condition in which the eyes do not properly align with each other when looking at an object. Due to this reason, the eyes cannot be said to be rightly aligned if the reflection is not observed to be in the same spot in each eye. Other things that can increase your child's risk for strabismus include an illness that affects the muscles and nerves, premature birth, Down syndrome, a head injury, and other problems. In over half of all cases of the disease, the problem manifests at birth or shortly after a child is born. You can message your clinic, view lab results, schedule an appointment, and pay your bill. If the eye that is under test is the Strabismic eye, it would fixate on the object after the “normal” eye is covered – provided the vision in the unaffected eye is quite good. Some of our patients may be prescribed prism glasses, while others may be advised to practice vision therapy exercises for strabismus. In some cases Amblyopia is present first and leads to Strabismus at a later stage. Five weeks later, he developed horizontal diplopia, convergent strabismus with left eye abduction palsy, and papilledema. The cause of Strabismus is unknown in the majority of children affected by the disease. Eye movement is controlled by small muscles that allow side to side and up and down motion. An eye that wanders or turns in, out, down, or up There are a range of holistic behavioural optometry interventions that can be used to naturally and permanently treat strabismus and convergence insufficiency. Crossed eyes that develop later in life are generally an outward sign for an internal problem. The condition in children will not go away by itself, meaning it will require treatment. A surgery for eye muscle repair does not fix the impaired vision of a “Lazy eye.” Following surgery, a child may have to wear corrective glasses. Drawing on scientific theories of brain neuroplasticity, Microprism Optics works with the innovative methods of Vivid Vision Virtual Reality to offer vision therapy for strabismus at our South Yarra clinic. Strabismus is a word that means while one eye looks at the object you want to view, the other eye looks elsewhere. Crossed eyes, also called strabismus, is a condition in which your eyes don’t line up. Parents often notice that their children squint one of the eyes in bright sunlight. This is referred to as a “strabismus”. For both eyes to concentrate on the same object, six different muscles surround each of the eyes and work together to let a person focus. Get the iPhone MyHealth app » Convergent Technologies Design Group, Inc. Convergent-Beam Electron-Diffraction Pattern. Exotropia is when one or both eyes are turned outward away from the nose; it is the opposite of being cross eyed. The diagnosis of this disorder involves a detailed physical examination of the eyes of suffering individuals. As the condition worsens, patients tend to squint more often. Non-paralytic strabismus is usually the result of an imbalance in the tension of the extraocular muscles. Learn more from WebMD about therapy to correct this eye problem, which typically affects children. Not only does strabismus cause vision impairment, but it can also be psychologically damaging. The form of strabismus in which the visual axes converge; may be paralytic or concomitant, monocular or alternating, accommodative or nonaccommodative. Convergence insufficiency is a condition in which your eyes are unable to work together when looking at nearby objects. One of the eyes turns inwards, upwards, downwards, or outwards, while the other one focuses on one spot. Strabismus may be present since childhood. Post-operation, various muscles in the eye would be made weaker or stronger. View All Information for Patients & Visitors ».