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But something weird is happening. Speaking of new recipes, one of my co-workers made something similar to this shrimp dish but I made up my own recipe. It is also incredible to me that after only 11 days of something I feel settled into my new routine enough to help smooth out some of the rough entry moments for her, and even that is a testament to how quickly this journey teaches and how fast your perspective can change if you ask it to. It’s okay, we understand.) Then, you put on your pants. Gone are the days of cinnamon crunch muffins and Frappuccinos. (And the head.) Your clothes fit better; your skin is clearer; your inner awesomeness is shining through. Of course, this may not happen like magic at the halfway point. I’m not a fan of shrimp…. }, –Also be sure to check out my Amazon store for everything I love to use in the kitchen!–, April is an expert foodie and consummate traveler who has honed the craft of developing simple delicious recipes and finding fun places to explore! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I promise — you’ll feel better soon. When you make a commitment to self-improvement, it’s a big deal! Up until yesterday I'd been picking on him for having such a hard time because he had more vices than I … It’s day 29, and you’re still rocking. Easy recipes for dinner, lunch, breakfast, snacks, and dessert! You hit the gym, but only halfheartedly, unable to face the barbell with any kind of conviction. I even too the long way to the bathroom which is an extra 80 steps and I parked far away for even more extra steps. You’ve hit the downhill slope of your Whole30 and life is beautiful—which means different things for different people. You’ve made it to day 4. , We will never ever sell your email and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Take some time to jot down what you’re craving, how you’re feeling and what tools you’re using to work through the cravings. But this morning you had to take a big deep breath to get that button where it ought to be. My sweet hubby made breakfast, Cinco de Mayo calls for tequila and I like Cafe Pa, Tiered trays. Isn’t eating like this supposed to increase energy levels? Every meal Ill have a protein (generally 2-3 eggs or about a half cup of shredded chicken), 1-3 cups of mixed vegetables (i.e. Celeste C, What have you got to lose at this point? The slump is over! For others, this Tiger Blood stage feels more like a real sense of self-efficacy. Relax, drink a lot of water, and keep making good choices. Not to mention your hormones are desperately trying to keep up with your new food choices, your gut is trying to heal, you’ve had a headache for the last three days, and you REALLY MISS YOUR DIET COKE. (For me, it’s Diet Coke and Twinkies, for Melissa Hartwig, it was fast-food cheeseburgers!) My name is Denise Bryant and I look forward to sharing my thrifty lifestyle with you through my love of creative repurposing, cooking and gardening. I have no doubt that I will get to the finish line and will probably continue with another 30 days. Often. I ate relatively healthy prior to Whole 30, maybe it just won't be a very dramatic change for me! You’ve made it through most of the unpleasant physical milestones, but you’ve yet to experience any of the “magic” the program promises. Whole 30, Day 8 This phase is especially hard for the habitual Diet Coke (and Diet Dr. Pepper here in my part of the world) drinkers. Fact: you are most likely to quit your Whole30 program on Day 10 or 11. Not only did I go swimming with the kids (as opposed to sitting in the chaise lounge watching them swim), but when hubby said he was going to the gym, I tagged along and did a FULL hour on the elliptical. The last day. This, my friends, is completely normal. Thank you! Statistically, if you’re going to quit, you’re going to on days 10-11. Whole 30, Day 6 Seriously, you’ve almost hit the halfway mark, and now this?! You’re loving the way your body is responding to the program, but you’re just not sure if you can make it through 9 more days. Find inspiration from our Whole30 Recipes Instagram Feed, cruise the Whole30 Pinterest boards, or pick up a new cookbook. Find some exotic produce in the grocery store, try some exotic recipes – do whatever you can to get over this little speed bump. And tonight, that might just mean a bowl of ice cream. Elon Musk’s 2 Rules For Learning Anything Faster, Dear Dad, Please Don’t Vote For Donald Trump This Time, Life Lessons Learned in My 40’s That I Wish I Could Tell My 20-Year Old Self. All rights reserved. Ready to do this. I’m not a fan of evenings like this, but they happen on occasion, so it’s nice to have these on the go options. Trail mix (coconut chips, sunflower seeds, walnuts, and raisins), and a peach. Faux pl, May Day flowers from my garden. You know you didn’t down a fifth of tequila in your sleep, so what the heck happened?!