He also makes a brief appearance during the finale of Mickey and the Wondrous Book. Beast's Limit attack for Kingdom Hearts II is Twin Howl, where he and Sora violently roar together and slash at enemies furiously. As he tries to chase the bird out, however, he falls over on the stairs and hits his head hard, knocking him unconscious and later stripping him of his hatred for birds. The film ends with Belle and the Prince dancing in the ballroom, surrounded by his servants and her father watching them happily. He has the head structure and horns of a buffalo, the arms and body of a bear, the eyebrows of a gorilla, the jaws, teeth, and mane of a lion, the tusks of a wild boar and the legs and tail of a wolf. Is it his fault if he is so ugly, and has so little sense? In addition, in the original version, he only became angered when Maurice tried to steal a rose, and in fact, was implied to have allowed him to stay at the castle generously. Beauty was the only one who did not shed tears at parting, because she would not increase their uneasiness. The Beast lets the bird out and learns to consider others before himself. Beast, posing for a photo at one of the Disney parks. Fifi (identified as Marie in this comic) and Lumiere also attempted to give dating advice to the Beast, although it didn't work due to his accidentally shredding the pages, resulting in Beast accidentally destroying his cherished toy, the music box, during one of his rages. In California, the Beast can be seen throughout the original version of World of Color. As Maurice explores the castle grounds around him, the Beast approaches him as he takes a rose whom he is taking for his daughter Belle, thinking Maurice is a threat. Sometime later, Maurice's daughter, Belle, arrives to find him, but soon confronts the Beast herself and pleads with him to let her father go, offering herself as a prisoner instead. When the week was expired, they cried and tore their hair, and seemed so sorry to part with her, that she promised to stay a week longer. During one evening date, Belle teaches the Beast how to dance; during which, the Beast falls in love with her. Onward: Ian • Barley • The Manticore, Descendants: Mal [8] The Beast was portrayed with a “more traditional motion capture puppeteering for the body and the physical orientation", where Stevens was "in a forty-pound gray suit on stilts for much of the film". [6], The movie and others never made mention of his real name. Right after, the Beast asks the player to find red crystals so he can create a crystal rose and place it on the cover of Belle's book as a gift. He also appears, nightly, in the Beauty and the Beast unit of Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights. The four heroes find Kairi, but the circumstances cause Sora, Donald, Goofy and Kairi to leave Hollow Bastion, and Beast states that he will not leave without Belle. Also, his likeness is commonly featured throughout the theme parks as well, specifically in the Magic Kingdom's Fantasyland, which, notably, features his castle. His subjects received him with joy. Entertainment: A Table is Waiting • Beauty and the Beast Live on Stage • Cinderella's Surprise Celebration • Cinderellabration: Lights of Romance • Disney's Believe • Disney Dreams: An Enchanted Classic • Enchanted Tales with Belle • Fantasmic! I should be happier with the monster than my sisters are with their husbands; it is neither wit, nor a fine person, in a husband, that makes a woman happy, but virtue, sweetness of temper, and complaisance, and Beast has all these valuable qualifications. Up: Carl Fredricksen • Dug • Kevin • Russell His story prior to Kingdom Hearts is basically the same as in the movie. During the time he and Belle were getting to know each other, Belle was captured by the Heartless, and the Beast's world, along with all of his servants, was swallowed by the darkness. Incredible • Elastigirl • Jack-Jack • Violet • Dash • Frozone • Edna Mode However, the Beast is contacted by Xaldin of Organization XIII soon after, who begins to turn the Beast against Belle in a plot to turn him into a Heartless with his Nobody as a weapon for the Organization. There she found poor Beast stretched out, quite senseless, and, as she imagined, dead.