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Matthew doesn't encourage a fight but stand up for himself and the ones he loves, he would put himself in harms way before his loved one. On 15 August, he was again wounded but remained with his unit. thew (măth′yo͞o) n. See Table at Bible. Urban distinguished himself in these engagements, knocking out a German observation post single-handedly and then leading F Company in a successful frontal assault on a strong enemy position. That is because it implies a factor in life that is not chosen and is not changeable: They most likely sport a tribal tattoo, or something of the like. We decided to use pop-up windows for defiitions and synonyms, to make more fast the uploading of pages, and also because, in this way, you can click only the terms you don't know, or you want to understand better. If you know other slang terms, ethymology, or other meanings, that are not included here, please email us and we'll update the list. He followed up this refusal by taking out a combat patrol. After the invasion of Sicily, the Germans were entrenched in a fortified mountain stronghold where the 1st Infantry Division got bogged down by the difficult terrain. Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of Matt: ancient greek translation for "eternal sex-god". Urban".[8]. Two supporting tanks had been destroyed and another, intact but with no tank commander or gunner, was not moving. We normally didn't include in our dictionary the terms that can be found in a good dictionary of English language. During the unit's first action, Urban exhibited the courage and willingness to take independent actions that were to make him an outstanding soldier. When in a relationship, Matthew isn't the first one to express his feelings, unless he has to. The misplaced MOH recommendation for Urban was found and revealed that Major Max L. Wolf, Urban's battalion commander in France, had initiated a Medal of Honor recommendation for Urban which was forwarded by Staff Sergeant Earl Evans just prior to Wolf being killed in action in France on August 6, 1944. A colonel and a staff sergeant who had witnessed the limping Urban returning to the front to lead his men near St. As F Company was hit by heavy enemy small arms and tank fire, Urban picked up a bazooka after the bazooka gunner was shot, and persuaded the gunner's ammo carrier to accompany him through the hedgerows to a point near the oncoming tanks. The Army lists this medal as the Croix de Guerre with Bronze Star, while Urban states it is the Croix de Guerre with. On the following day, he was shot through the right forearm, and was evacuated to England to recuperate. With their big brown eyes, and heart-melting smile it's hard not to fall for them.They are different, in a beautiful way. [3] Urban, limping and using a stick he made as a cane, arrived at the Second Battalion, 60th Infantry to find that the battalion was checked by strong enemy opposition after their attack began. Pronunciation: MA-thyoo I never liked the name Matthew until I married someone with the name. As reprinted in the Congressional Record it reads: "Captain Urban's personal leadership, limitless bravery and repeated extraordinary exposure to enemy fire served as an inspiration to his entire battalion. That implies that gays and lesbians are really bisexuals. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? At another time in Tunisia, our battalion successfully halted a German counterattack, and it was through the major's efforts that we succeeded. That is because it implies a factor in life that is not chosen and is not changeable: The lieutenant and then a tank platoon sergeant were both machine-gunned and killed while attempting to get to the tank's turret and its 50-caliber machine gun. The chaplain gave Urban last rites after the doctor nodded to him that Urban would not live. Slang (1 matching dictionary) Matt, the matt: Urban Dictionary [home, info] Sports (1 matching dictionary) matt: Hickok Sports Glossaries [home, info] Tech (3 matching dictionaries) Matt: AUTOMOTIVE TERMS [home, info] Matt: Beauty Glossary [home, info] Matt: PhotoNotes Dictionary of Film and Digital Photography [home, info] By using this definition, they can state that any legislation giving equal rights to persons of all sexual orientations would also legalize bestiality, incest, sexual relationship with children, polygamy, etc. Whenever playing, they adopt the skills of Ronaldo, messi, neymar, and gozte all in one.