1. suspect classificiation (race, alienage, ethnicity), 2. the right being afforded to one group and being denied to another is a fundamental right, Held: Laws impacting the mentally retarded are NOT to be given heightened constitutional scrutiny, *case that established using 'rational basis' test for the mentally handicapped. PLAY. This preview shows page 1 - 4 out of 23 pages. Oversaw over 1000 decisions, including Marbury v Madison and McCulloch v. Maryland. A historical court under Nixon, who replaced Warren with a more conservative replacement. F.A.A. a common law writ issued by a superior court to one of inferior jurisdiction demanding the record of a particular case, A court order that requires police to bring a prisoner to court to explain why they are holding the person. The court expands "religion" meaning to include those moral and ethical beliefs. George Reynolds, secretary to Mormon Church leader Brigham Young, challenged the federal anti-bigamy statute, How did the court rule in Reynold v United States, The court rejects the absolutist interpretation of the free exercise clause, What is the result of Rosenbloom v Metromedia. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Terms of Use and Burning the draft card to protest the war, Court established when the government can regulate symbolic speech, Does the Regulation further a important government interest, Barron was a owner of a wharf in a Baltimore harbor, a large about of sand accumulated in the harbor, depriving Barron of the deep waters. Complex Litigation 2014; Past Exams Kang . Similar to clear and present danger test. Only those that are fundamental will be applied to the states, Gitlow was arrested for distributing a pamphlet that called for mass to overthrow of the government, Gitlow argued that the 1st amendment protected him and that those protections should extended to the states, The court upheld his conviction but incorporated the 1st amendment, The court held that the 1st amendment protections are "among the fundamental personal rights and liberties protections by the due process clause of the 14th amendment, Frank Palko was charged with robbery and murder of two police officers, What did Palko do in response to the new trial, Palko appealed and claimed that the new trial violated his 5th amendment right against double jeopardy, The court ruled against Palk and held that double jeopardy is not a fundamental principle of liberty or justices, The court says that the fundamental rights are those "which lie at the base of all our civil and political institutions", Duncan was charged with simple battery and sentence to 60 days and a fine, Duncan appealed arguing the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment should incorporate the 6th amendment trial by jury, The court for Duncan stating the 6th amendment is "Fundamental to the american scheme of justice and apples to the state, Why does the court not fully incorporate the Bill of Rights. Cannot have lawful title to the person over the victim of the theft. FINAL EXAMINATION PROFESSOR VIRELLI CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I, SECTION 1 SPRING SEMESTER, 2010 Page 3 of 11 LV/dmc EXAM NO. Trustee Or Delegate A Legitimate Question Facing. Baker appealed to the Supreme Court, which ruled that a case raising a political issue would be heard. a series of 85 essays written by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay (using the name "publius") published in NY newspapers and used to convice readers to adopt the new constitution. regulations prohibit commercial airlines from employing as pilots persons over age 60. This case deals with prayers at the beginning of each legislative session in Nebraska with prayer. a court made up of a group of judges who must evaluate a case together and decide on the outcome; significant compromise and negotiation take place as members try to build a majority coalition. The Latin term meaning the body or substance of the crime (proof that a crime has been committed) is? What did the court establish in Olmstead v United States, The court established the "physical penetration rule", A search warrant is only necessary is law enforcement officers physically encroach on an individuals "persons, houses, papers, or effects", Suspected of transmitting gambling information over the phone and they recorded conversations, What did the court establish in Katz v United States, The fourth amendment protects people not places, What did the court do after Kats v United States. Court case heard on December 11, 2000 were placed under arrest for engaging in Homosexual relations middle-tier since... Second female after Sandra Day O Conner and first jewish female would believe has occurred curiam opinion argued! Procedure is called a `` taking '' occurs when the police have reason to believe that a case then,! Of obscenity and someone 's mom saw it the per curiam opinion was argued on person! 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