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To make sure the executive is performing its duties abided by the constitution. The Raya Sabha has drastically improved the legislative performance by scrutinizing government policies. A third of MPs in the Rajya Sabha (which is a permanent House and is not subject to dissolution), from each State, retire once in two years and polls are held to fill up the vacancies. The electoral college of Union Territory of Delhi and Puducherry consists of elected members of those Union Territories. The vice president of India is the chairman of this house and he elects a deputy to chairman for this house, who manages the day to day working of it. 1/3rd members retire at the end of Hence, after a long debate, the ‘Council of States’ which later came to known as Rajya Sabha was created in 1954 with almost entirely different composition and structure. Watch: Exclusive Interview with Bhupender Yadav. If the person is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a court. Video Lectures In the legislative area, their duty is to pass laws, In a representative area, it is their duty to represent the needs and wants of their state or union territory, They have the duty to approve and oversee revenues and expenditure of governments. 12 members of House are nominated by the President. Your email address will not be published. The answer to it is, any Indian citizen of not less than 30 years can be selected as a member of parliament of Rajya Sabha. Rajya Sabha represents the states of the Indian Federation which aims to maintain the federal equilibrium. Amongst the members of Rajya Sabha, a Deputy Chairman is chosen. ; Upto 20 members to represent the Union Territories and not more than two members of the Anglo-Indian Community to be … The Rajya Sabha is a very important issue in your UPSC exam for both prelims and IAS mains. As a federal chamber, it has reinforced the public faith in parliamentary democracy. They are the representatives of their state or union territory in the Rajya Sabha. However, Rajay Sabha has limited powers with respect to Money Bills. The method of allocation of seats has been provided in the Fourth Schedule of the constitution. The article talks about the basics of the upper council of parliament, like what is the minimum age to be a member of Rajya Sabha? Members of both houses of Parliament may become a minister. If the person is not a citizen of Indian or has voluntarily acquired the citizenship of a foreign state. The Deputy Chairman is elected by the Rajya Sabha itself from amongst its members. Benefits of Cashless Economy: Is India Ready for a Cashless Economy? This bill concerns taxation or government spending and not a change in the law. RSTV: IN DEPTH- CLIMATE PERFORMANCE INDEX; RSTV: SCIENCE MONITOR- 29.08.2020; What are Exogenic Forces? Date. So, in this article, we would cover all the relevant details of Rajya Sabha which needs to be done for any exam. It is also called a council of states. As of now, there are 245 members of parliament in the council of states out of which 12 are elected by the president of India, and the rest are indirectly voted into power. Get a FREE DEMO of our premium course…Today! The Government of India Act, 1935 did not make any changes in the composition and structure of the ‘Council of State’. As of now the average Rajya Sabha member’s age is 63.28 years. Guide on Rajya Sabha for UPSC. Composition/Seat Distribution of Rajya Sabha, The constitution of India under Article 84 lays down the following qualifications for becoming a member of the Rajya Sabha:-, Presiding Officers - Chairman and Deputy Chairman, Udaan: A 90-Day Course to Qualify GS Paper of UPPSC Prelims, Udaan: A 65-Day Course to Qualify GS Paper of BPSC Prelims, Important Days and Dates (National & International), UPSC IAS Prelims Answer Key 2020: Download SET A, B, C & D Answer Key PDF, UPSC IAS Prelims Exam Analysis 2020 (Paper 1 & 2): Expected Cut Off, Question Paper PDF, UPSC IAS Previous Year Question Papers PDF Download, UPSC Study Material: Complete Notes for Prelims Exam in Hindi & English [Free]. UPSC allows civil services prelims’ candidates to change exam centres. The term of a Rajya Sabha member is 6 years. The Rajya Sabha needs to pass the Money Bill within fourteen days or it will be deemed to have been passed after that period. The seats are allotted to the states in the Upper House on the basis of the population.