Reading the book makes you actually feel sorry for these people, specially children, relate to their hardships, and being thankful to have a roof above your head and food in your stomach. If you looked at the poster for Ladj Ly’s French-language drama Les Misérables, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was a documentary. He takes on the name Monsieur Madeleine and uses the money from the silverware to start a factory. The police bring Jean Valjean to Monsieur Myriel. He travels to Montreuil-sur-mer, where he keeps his true identity a secret. It doesn't have the part where he debated over whether to go to save champmathieau. Eventually Jean Valjean decides to be a force for good. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 10, 2015, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 24, 2015. Fantine is arrested for ruining a gentlemen’s hat. But it kept me hooked. Outstanding read! It’s almost impossible to summarise in a blog post without writing a full dissertation, so I will attempt to do it justice while being concise. have a great day. It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness. First published in 1862, it’s 1200 pages long – one of the longest novels ever written in fact – and it’s one of those works that transcends genre. Madeleine is torn once again, but ultimately confesses who he is and saves the wrongly condemned man. Most in France still believe in the old approach to newcomers, but Les Misérables offers a new spanner in the works in the form of a keener focus on the country’s racial tensions, which are less subconscious bias, and more of an all-encompassing cap on the life chances of millions. She is afraid the people of Montreuil-sur-mer will shun her if it becomes known that her daughter is illegitimate. Inspector Javert witnesses the mild assault and hauls her in for questioning. When Fantine sees him, she spits in his face, since she thinks he is responsible for firing her. So it is only fair that I write a review. Amazon doesn't offer a Kindle version of the Signet Classics translation so I'm looking elsewhere and using conversion software if I need to, then picking up where I left off in the Hapgood translation. Disabling it will result in some disabled or missing features. and have not encountered the story before then beware for spoilers. A nuanced, timely, and well-crafted social drama. The book is missing the entire part of the story where fantine lost her job, fell to prostitution, became ill, attacked Jean Val Jean, and was taken in by him. No character (except perhaps Bishop Myriel) is without faults and it’s up to the reader to decide who to sympathise with. Led by the charismatic and determined Enjolras, erudite Combeferre and cheerful Courfeyrac, they dream of a new dawn for France and are willing to fight and die to achieve it. I’m so excited to go see the musical live in Edinburgh next month – it’s been nearly ten years since I last saw it in London. It made seeing the musical that much more emotional to me. Generally I will read almost anything but my go-to genres are historical fiction and detective fiction. It is a book of opposites: the reformed Valjean pitted against the immovable Javert; tragic Eponine is left to poverty while Cosette is raised in safety and love; Enjolras devoutly believes while Grantaire laughs and mocks; the principled students die while the criminal Thenadiers live; and Marius has several seismic shifts in the course of the book that make him his own opposite. Cossette in the meantime grows up an unloved child. I love this book. But it will long time before I do. The Friends of the ABC join with many other groups in Paris in erecting barricades in the street in an attempt to overthrow the government after the death of General Lamarque. Jean Valjean ultimately proves to be a virtuous father to Cossette, a protector of those she loves and a man redeemed. Lon Chaney, dude! 1000 pages, relatively large, with small font, it must be the longest books… Bond is back! I own three versions of the novel and my favourite translation is the one I’ve just finished; by Norman Denny. ( Log Out / Book reviews cover the content, themes and worldviews of fiction books, not their literary merit, and equip parents to decide whether a book is appropriate for their children. Jean Valjean escapes Javert, but is recaptured and sent back to Toulan. Another is The Mayor (Steve Tientcheu), who wears a freshly printed France football shirt with his job title on the back, in case his corrupt dealings and shady entourage confuse anyone. Les Misérables, Victor Hugo Les Misérables is a French historical novel by Victor Hugo, first published in 1862, that is considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century. ( Log Out / Jean Valjean is given the opportunity to execute Javert, but he spares his life. I have nothing wrong with all the heartbreak this plot is filled with because I am fully aware of how much hope, compassion, and love it is filled with.