The species name campestre means "of the fields". To conclude, Yellow Sweet Blossom Clover is a great choice for soil building, organic green manure, honey production and erosion control in poorly drained soils. JavaScript is disabled. They are similar in appearance and they respond similarly to herbicides. Chelsea, MI. To see our latest newsletters and current information, visit our website at You might start a whole new venture by combining and cleaning the seed and selling it. Hop clover has a trifoliate leaf similar to white clover. Yellow Sweet Blossom Clover Seed is very attractive to bees, thanks to its colorful and sweet flowers. Shade may also encourage growth. Not all introduced species are considered invasive: plants that have become serious environmental pests. These files cover more than ten years of newsletters posted on our old website Like the true c Producer Question from 2015 Q: I have a lot of sweet clover in my hay fields and pastures this year. I have heard that sometimes cattle eating sweet clover, especially hay with sweet clover in it can have problems. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. Post your favorite recipes or get help with a cooking problem here. The clusters are 1/4 to 3/4 inch across. Hop Trefoil Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Clade: Tracheophytes Clade: Angiosperms Clade: Eudicots Clade: Rosids Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae Genus: Trifolium Species: T. campestre Binomial name Trifolium campestre Schreb. American Wildlife & Plants. Yellow Sweet Blossom Clover Seed (Melilotus Officinalis) is commonly used for bees in honey production, cover crops, conservation, wildlife food plots, pastures, hay and green manure or soil building. Alexander C. Martin, Herbert S. Zim, and Arnold L. Nelson. Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States, National Invasive Species Information Center, Top Butterfly Nectar Flowers (Observed in Nature), Composite List of Federal and State Noxious Weeds, Invasiveness Assessment Scores and Ranks for 183 Nonnative Plant Species in NYS, Lake Colby Railroad Tracks (Saranac Lake), Jackrabbit Trail at River Road (Lake Placid), White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus), List of Adirondack Amphibians and Reptiles. National Invasive Species Information Center. A&T State University. Retrieved 14 April 2017. They become hard at maturity and black in colour (Goujon, 2017; Duke, 1981). Yellow Sweet Clover has a valuable taproot (up to 5 ft.) and root system in general that provides a greater ability in extracting soil nutrients and minerals bringing them to the top which disperses during decomposition. Sign up for Hancock Seeds email service for exclusive offers and more! Of course, it can also serve as Cattle, horses, deer and other vertebrates aren't the only type of animal that appreciates a good clover. Want to see which lists are available? Yellow Sweet Clover plants grow as tall as 4 ft. and are considered a biennial clover seed. Let us offer you our best Farmer Direct pricing! Each individual flower produces a single seed. Ordering a lot of seed? A friendly place for chat, rumors, gossip and jokes. What can I do to avoid these problems? Leaflets toothed from mid-blade to tip. (through April/May 2009), and are provided for historical purposes only. Hop Clover grows about eight to eighteen inches high. Retrieved 14 April 2017. Retrieved 14 April 2017. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. I doubt very seriously you will find that hop clover seed for sale. The species name (aureum) is Latin for "golden.". The genus name (Trifolium) refers to the three-parted leaves. Attracts bees Large hop clover (Trifolium campestre Schreb.,) Other common name:: low hop clover Small hop clover (Trifolium dubium Sibth.,) Other common name: least hop clover Seed: oval, yellow and red colored; 1/3 size of alfalfa, like miniature crimson clover; very glossy; Large hop clover field Peduncles often exceeding the subtending leaves. This drought-resistant clover is a vigorous Thank you for your review! This clover variety is known to attract honey bees and beneficial predatory wasps. The one-seeded pods are indehiscent. A dense, vigorous turf is the best way to reduce the encroachment of winter annual weeds. Shade may also encourage growth. Similar to low hop but larger leaves and flower heads than small hop clover (T. dubium Sibth). Need to be utilized quickly due to a short season of production. We are sure you are going to have great results! Hop Clover is not native to the Adirondacks or to North America. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.