Of course this has its own problem – what to do with the food afterwards? Do. If you are offering to a Hellenic deity, They own the offering you give Them. Styx can also be invoked for any death/cosmic witchery including the element of water. ” 21) Give Food Offering, saying, “I offer this food as a sacrifice, to you gods Hermes, Hecate, Hades, and Persephone. What items bring seduction and romance to mind? Nonetheless, the walk from somewhere in your house to your altar area is technically a procession if you treat it as such. Some constellations you can also pair with working with Pluto: Caelum - tools for change; the end of one thing to bring about something new. Thus it is that many of us do use a simple bowl method, which is simply placing the offering into a bowl that sits on the altar. One way to ensure this isn’t a problem is, if offering things like bread, to cook your own. Charon can also assist in travel spells. Not everyone has the option to burn their offerings, usually because flame and smoke is not allowed in their home. In general, bread, milk, and wine are nearly always appropriate for any deity. Lacerta + Musca - cycles of life and death in nature; bring about great change. Profile and Header Pic: http://fav.me/db1v678. By using Learn Religions, you accept our, Offerings for Gods of Prosperity and Abundance, Offerings for Childbirth or Fertility Goddesses, Appropriate Worship - Honoring the Gods the Way They Want, Projects to Celebrate Samhain, the Witches' New Year, Ancestor spirits can be tricky to work with. Alternatively you can of course work outside with a wood fire, indeed setting up an altar and or shrine outside is a good idea. However, dressing neatly in clean clothing, brushing your hair and teeth and washing your hands is still a good idea. Tell him that you respect his beliefs and that you hope he’d show you the same respect. When you place an offering in a bowl, without burning it, without burying it, you are left with entire offerings that belong to specific deities. (I like to do this outside so malevolent spirits don’t attach themselves to my home.) The problem here is, piece and entire is kind of up to interpretation. The correspondences relating to Charon are relating to the process of a transformation, and can be invoked for assistance in said process or in helping spirits cross over. Different types of deities seem to respond best to different kinds of offerings. Also, since the Mycenaean period, priests of Άδης would rhythmically pound their hands on the ground whilst praying to Him. Inside the home, you can put safe ethanol in a fire proof bowl, light that on fire and drop your offerings in there, ending with the libation which is likely to put the fire out. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! The same applies for other things, opening the circle, dropping the shield/s, grounding yourself etc. When making an offering, it's important to think about what the god represents. Announce: “Here I place this dish for the Lord Hades and in his name offer to share with those that starve in the beyond” bow and lightly tap your head on the ground three times. Only begotten, gracious Goddess, receive this good offering, Much honoured, you, overpowered by Pluto, you are beloved and lifegiving, You hold the doors of … Leave it until later. 2) Raise your chalice after you have filled it with water and bow head as you announce “ In Persephone’s name as Queen of the Underworld I offer this water for the Lady and in her name offer to share with those who go thirsty in the beyond” place the chalice to the back right. Throughout life you experience many deaths (death of one career, death of a passion, etc) it doesn’t mean the end, but a new birth.