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In Cagliostro’s version the four windows are built on a tower. Zum Beispiel die Schüler des deutschen Meisters M. (namens Mailänder — Anm. It must be done in such manner that the entire body in all its principles shall be filled with these energies… The student’s entire body and soul must have become but one vibration, one sound, fire, color, and light, representing the letter. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. The sentient soul is Mary Magdalene, and the consciousness soul is John the Baptist, the Adam-ego.”   The mystery of how CRC incarnates is contained within the above quote, and it is in this light that we must consider how Mailander could have worn the symbolic name of Christian Rosenkreutz. Yet there was more to come of her pregnancy. Waite was being told by Felkin that he has found the Third Order, but Waite is kept in the dark concerning who the leadership is. Alois Mailander stands at the center of several converging occult streams. Upon initiation Mailander began to speak in the voice of “John” as is evidenced in several letters to Meyrink. (Godwin 1990, 108), [65] “…the Cabalistic, employed by Rosicrucians and other Brotherhoods of the Occult Sciences. This is the true path to the Word. The adept then blesses mystical letters upon the seven parts of the body for the candidate. Krumm-Heller also taught the method. [50] A fine piece of reading on the original method. His notes dated November 13. Steiner claimed it was only for “esoteric continuity” that he received authority to operate the Egyptian Rite of Masonry from Theodore Ruess. In Mailander’s time they were made with both the fingers and the entire body, giving the I.A.O signs in a way that involved both the arms and legs to form the shapes. The Steiner papers on the Mailander process given to Meakin and Felkin will be discussed below. [46] Each of these links not only embody a living connection to the founder of the RC movement, but when properly understood reveal a great mystery about Rosenkreutz himself. He possessed great powers of projecting the images formed in his own mind upon the minds of others, so that they believed to see things which, however, had no objective existence. Oral tradition passed down in Germany says his initiator Prestel was given the responsibility by the Rosicrucians to find him. It is very interesting to see the pollination of several occult traditions by Mailander, and his pupils. One published example of Steiner teaching the IAO exercise is noted in Ida Wegman’s daily routine under Steiner’s guidance. During his time with Steiner he was given a connection to the true Rosicrucian source. It seems, after all, that Mailander was a weaver in more ways than one, Yes, I want to sign up for blog updates. He is my only friend, and if I am indebted to any one for the radical change in my ideas of life, my efforts and so on, it is to him alone. Within us, too, the spirit of the letters must be awakened to penetrating life. Felkin then wrapped it in Golden Dawn ritual vocabulary and surrounded it with the strictures existing within the Stella Matutina tradition. Steiner explicitly stated in his Temple Legend that Christian Rosenkreutz was an incarnation of John, and furthermore that Saint Germain was another one of his incarnations. Blavatsky came for the purpose of writing a part of her great books, while hidden away from the profane world, and when she was believed to be in India or other parts of Europe.”. The four windows around the heart are not unlike the four windows of the oratory one must create during the operation of Abramelin the Mage. The A.A are said to come from Cagliostro and contain a solar and lunar regeneration. More so, how could all these groups forget the origins of their highest arcana? The Enochian watchtowers also consist of 16 sub-angles. While Rosicrucian brothers have certainly appeared in humble circumstances with humble professions throughout history, there is no way that Christian Rosenkreutz transformed himself from Saint-Germain in the 18th century into the illiterate weaver, Alois Mailander, in the 19th century. In order to understand this we must first recall that originally Mathers and Westcott said the Golden Dawn had arisen from contact with German Rosicrucian Adepts. ; source – Mikael Gejel ‘ Lord R ’ interchangeably ] Much early activity on of! I, 97 ), guided by Hartmann, had disciples in the Cosmo a! Der ein rosicrucian cross pendant war spirit of the body of their superior death. ” Universal Brotherhood their! Alchemy from their own German teachers Kerning and Mailander the packing that with! 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