You can unsubscribe at any time. It is worth watching though. There's a decency and lightness of spirit to "Monsters University" which, in a time of tediously "dark" and "gritty" entertainment, is as bracing as a cannonball-dive into a pool on a hot summer's day. It's flicking sweet and provides more of a solid performance than its sequel (Monster's Inc.) centered on the two main protagonist Mike. Pixar's animated comedy prequel to Monsters Inc, with the voices of John Goodman, Billy Crystal, Steve Buscemi and Helen Mirren. It is the fourteenth film produced by Pixar and is the prequel to 2001's Monsters, Inc. John Goodman, Billy Crystal, Steve Buscemi, Bob Peterson, and John Ratzenberger reprising their roles as Sulley, Mike Wazowski, Randal Synopsis. Adventure Sulley is the opposite of Mike. MONSTERS UNIVERSITY has a lot of heart with a strong moral worldview, though some monsters may be scary for very young children., Inc. or its affiliates. Check box if your review contains spoilers, Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan weren't always an inseparable pair. Our editors select the most promising films headed to theaters in March, Best & Worst Films at the 2020 Berlin International Film Festival. He doesn't have as much imagination as some of his classmates assume, and he's so terrified of failure that he's turned underachieving into a kind of self-protective performance art. Please check your email for further instructions. When the characters take ethical shortcuts, they're punished in ways that seem quite reasonable, provided they get caught. Since its release, the album garnered many accolades, including a G, The Emmys hit an all-time low Sunday, both in viewership and in the series that took home awards. Randy Newman's drumline-saturated score recalls Elmer Bernstein's classic work on "Animal House" and "Stripes", but so subtly that it takes a moment to register what he's doing. There's a seemingly permanent student with an upside-down bat wing for a mustache, a portly salesman who's older than some of the teachers. International | He's a model student, one of those grinds who gets good grades but lacks that spark that marks the special talents. Monsters University is Pixar's first prequel and none other the less manages to bring the total scope of the story from Pixar's Monsters Inc. (2001). When Mike and Sully try to enter the school's "Scare Program" by winning the annual campus scaring competition to avoid getting roped into a "boring" career track, such as manufacturing scream canisters their strengths and weaknesses become clear. Monsters University reveals how Mike and Sulley overcame their differences and became the best of friends. From the moment these two mismatched monsters met they couldnt stand each other. Privacy Policy There's a spazzy goofball who's basically a pair of legs plus a face (he sure can breakdance, though). The story follows our old friends, Mike and Sulley, as they meet for the first time while trying to become scarers at college. But it never seems content to turn over old ground. The story itself is not great though, but not bad. Save up to 497* a year -Compare Lots of Deals - Switch in Minutes. He's lazy and a smart-aleck.