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[30], Leslie (voiced by Kerry Shale) is an effeminate, friendly daisy who plays flute in the school band and can often be found hanging around the girls. Alan reluctantly agrees and ends up dating Masami. The amazing world of Gumball x reader {one shots} CLOSED Fanfiction. He is a Silly Symphony-style bomb that is a school bully. Julius is one of the bullies at Elmore High; he often appears in detention or with his gang of fellow delinquents. https://theamazingworldofgumballfanfic.fandom.com/wiki/Julius_Oppenheimmer_Jr. He only switched the two letters in his name (Harry Gedges → Garry Hedges). He was in third grade with Gumball and Darwin but moved out of town when his dad was promoted at the Rainbow Factory. [47] In "The Boombox", he spoke it. Huggers | He seems to be bullying other students like Alan, Ocho, and Sussie. Ask. Julius is shown to take charge, as he gives orders to Gumball, Darwin, and Mowdown. He replaces Cody when he accidentally reveals the Bobert store's policy of planned obsolescence. Gargaroth | Miss Simian | They initially struggle to properly express their feelings for each other until the episode "The Shell", where he finally works up the nerve to express his feelings to her after she reveals her true form, and they begin dating. They appear when Darwin ordered the woodland animals to trash, He assists Gumball, Darwin, and Bobert in the, She is briefly seen when Darwin sneeze blasts in ". Allison Sandra Gator, an elderly crocodile woman who is desperate for love and has a cat named Martin who she believes is a real boy. He is at the mall when Gumball and Darwin suspect him to be Clayton in disguise. Zach Watterson | [39] Despite this, she also has a softer side not only in general, but also for Gumball; in the episode "The Fight" she reveals that she considers him to be a friend. Alan gets jealous and ends up saying he loves her so much that he wants her to be happy even if it isn't with him. He appears on Elmore News and says citizens should not be afraid of science. [57] The episode "The Voice" reveals that he has psychic abilities, which he uses to wreak havoc on Gumball and Darwin after they accidentally block him on the social networking site Elmore Plus. He is created by Sarah and is in a relationship with Adult. They are mentioned by Hot Dog Guy when he and Gumball are exchanging secrets. Unlike the others, he is black, making Richard paint him orange until he dies. He gives Gumball and Darwin an ominous call and comes out of their TV. [7] In the premiere of season 3 it is revealed that Gumball and Darwin are part of a small fraction of people who don't age past a certain point, which by the end of the episode causes them to regress to a point slightly before puberty. In the episode "The Job" it appears that Richard can't hold a job or else the universe will be destroyed which is why he must remain unemployed. She is always sarcastic because of this, and sometimes tries to do the least work possible to help her students. [33] Being filled with helium, Alan regularly speaks in a high-pitched voice. Tobias Wilson | Tina Rex | They were fed coffee and prune nuts to Margaret, then attack several Elmore citizens. Clare Cooper (voiced by Naomi McDonald) is an emo girl who is a human. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A pet horse bought by Richard Watterson as a pet. Link. [35] Her mother works as a doctor and maintains a website discussing the dangers of germs. An orange version of the hydrant can be seen in ". They have a different design in "The Neighbor.". [16] He is later seen in the Void of all the world's mistakes in the episode "The Void". Neckbeard | Mom. Zachariah and Bexi ride one of them. He is the principal of Franklin Junior High. Nicole is also occasionally vindictive, as was shown in the episode "The Ape," after Miss Simian called her and her family "losers." Several of them appear on a pond. In his debut episode, "The Lesson", he is one of the bad Elmore Junior High kids at detention. (Possibly a reference to the Candyman of the movie series of the same name.). At times, his "head" lights a fuse, usually due to anger. As a result, nobody in Elmore Junior High can understand him. He is seen winning the best livestock prize in a County Fair in Texas. They were students at Elmore Junior High who died in their way to the complaint box in the. Photo. Mom (by Darwin), Employee at the Rainbow Factory E DITADORA DA COREIA DO NORTE, Dad (by Gumball and Anais), Mr. Dad (by Darwin), Mrs. Jötunheim, Hector's mom who is, bizarrely, a troll witch, Betty MacArthur, an elderly cloud-shaped woman, Donald MacArthur, a plaid cloth and Betty's husband, Jackie Wilson, Tobias’ mom who is a rainbow humanoid, Karen, Larry's girlfriend, a humanoid axolotl, Hank and George, two LEGO men who work as construction workers.