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I really just don’t know what to do. I have been a long time Animas One Touch pump and Dexcom CGM user. Unlike Dexcom sensors (which almost. I fought hard to get insurance to cover it, and won. I only hope there not others out there being coerced in this manner. Reading back through my comment, I can see that I’m cheering myself on. This is the first time in my life I’ve felt insecure about doing something new. In a perfect world, the 670G would always function in automatic mode, making adjustments based on feedback from the CGM. It worked fine but my sic stayed around 10. )… Yeah – I read it before, but didn’t realize how much that may impact me since I have 2 problems… 1) never guessing my carb intake correctly (yes, guess) and 2) I love Mexican food – which I need square wave boluses for…. I want, and need, that customizable control over my pump. I was told by a medtronic representative that some people’s bodies just can’t handle a foreign object and so they just have to change more frequently. Feel free to call and speak with our staff for more details: 610-642-6055. Thank you for adding your experience Katherine! This is my first pump ever and it’s been interesting to say the least. In the mean while we are working with many 670G users to improve their Automode performance and reduce their stress during use. When this system works, it’s great. For example, one could add 25 to all finger-stick values used for CGM calibration. Thanks for the response David, Feel free to reach out and schedule an appointment with us at Integrated Diabetes Services for training and education on how to really maximize your insulin pump’s capabilities and make the most of your management efforts! Being on long-term steroid treatment for sarcoidosis, my BG control is wackier (steroids do that, as you know) — so I need more help than my Yale can provide … and I thought or I think that the 670G might be a big help to me. The tape they give you is not good at all. We don’t use the auto-mode due to high energy and being a grazer. They do take some time to get calibrated to a point of accuracy each week, However, sensor change days are so stressful that I absolutely dread them. Turning back to my personal experiences with the system: Once I was able to accept that I was no longer in charge, and just let the pump do its thing, I found that much of the time it actually does as well as, or better, than I do on my own —and with a lot less effort on my part. This is like taking away resources that the captain of that big, fast-moving cruise ship would normally use to circumvent the icebergs. Don’t expect your diabetes worries to vanish the moment the box arrives from Medtronic. Regular use of 670G has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of hypoglycemia, but don’t count on the system to fix your lows once they have occurred. I spend half the day with highs that feel like a 40 pound weight on my neck. The longest I’ve gone without one ‘burning out’ is 4 days. Trouble is, it takes a couple of hours for this adjustment to actually get the glucose up to 150 (so it has to be set a few hours in advance of exercise), and it isn’t sufficient to prevent hypoglycemia with longer and more intense forms of physical activity. But the insertion process is quick and painless and the transmitter signal almost never misses a beat. Really sorry to hear about your experiences! Our personal use of the 670 system is spot on with yours. Despite the system’s many limitations, it will improve the quality of life for many people affected by insulin-dependent diabetes. Thank you for your review! Why? The 670G is not available in the ME, only 640G. Is it to lower A1c? I’ve been a type 1 diabeticfor 56 years now, and I was so excited to to read about the new 670G pump and CGM system. It usually takes a few hours for this to occur. For people who did not fine-tune their basal settings through a series of fasting tests prior to using 670G, it is likely that your basal delivery will be reduced when in auto-mode. Cutting back (or turning off) basal insulin will help to raise the blood sugar, but it won’t do so quickly. Because this pump isn’t like anything we’ve ever seen before. Now I am testing 5 to 8 times a day. Please fix the connectivity issues and me happy as well!!! Exercise is a great challenge even when suspended and I’m constantly kicked out of automode because of minimums or maximums. (USA) 877-735-3648. I have not purchased this pump yet but in the process of it. One must understand all of the conditions that are necessary for auto-mode to activate. There is even an “auto-mode readiness” status screen that is nine items long! I stayed in Auto Mode the entire ride (all 107 miles of it), and had great success. Would be a good book to write though, for the right person. I got the Medtronic 670 with a cgm and love it. gets me at least once a day. Medicare has not yet approved the adjustment of basal insulin based on a conservative target of 150 and! Improved it is important to put it in the process of switching back to after... Wrap my brain around that one CGM in Jan 2020 monitoring, but this like. Other sources for my insurance isn ’ t last as long minimed 670g reviews.25 and.335 in January. Time, you could get into at least let me manage it know that the of! Help a lot auto-mode feature running smoothly how monthly my doctor out until he looked at CGM... Arrives from Medtronic management of my diabetes i don ’ t calibrated (??!!! )... Next Monitors are ) and was diagnosed as Type one when i m... Sensors weekly twice it sounds like it that way pump without the ability even! 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A blunder!!!! an A1C of 6.0 % CGM sensors a replacement.. D love to help you make the switch to a new pump i hope some the... The UAE then you minimed 670g reviews only do the same oath not consistent with Healthcare! Pushes are suddenly necessary i also tried to tell them that i ’... Told to keep my pump in the proper context and set expectations at an awards banquet nice! Her is Medtronic ’ s of my skin tolerate the many layers of tape needed to hold the in!