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With the progress of time, Fiona and Grant’s love goes through different stages without falling apart. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). An exception look into the operations of the former Soviet Army. (Heble, 1994: p. 208) There are a few personal accounts and quotes, but as I said in the opening, it wouldn't be out of place in a military briefing room over a projector and instan. That being said this is an outrageously boring book. He feels that it was the longest month of his life. Wood, J. The ravages of aging may separate them but love is a centripetal force that keeps drawing them back to the house they have built together. (Drainie, 2001: p. 336) In review of “The Bear Came over the Mountain”, Bronwyn Drainie praises Munro’s expertise at plotting, with surprising (yet totally plausible) twists on every page (Drainie, 2001: p. 336) . Holcombe, G. (2013). By disclosing the astonishing amount of programs they watch together, Munro accentuates the great length of time they have spent together. It’s an important read for sure. Everything he does, each object in the house is a reminder of Fiona. There is a big operation at the end of which the mine-layer is caught. Each vignette consists of an action as described by a participating officer, the "take-aways" according to the Frunze staff, and the commentary by the translator (himself a U.S. military man). Multiple systematic problems are evident and rarely a remedy is made for it. In her paper, Lin Yuzhen analyzes how Munro deals with the multiple themes such as “emotion,” “life,” “wilderness” and “feminism” so as to explain why Alice Munro, who is good at writing realist stories from a feminist perspective, could rise above internationally in an era when the post-modernist writing prevails in the literary world (267). The newness they feel is largely due to the differences in their backgrounds. Alice Munro, Canadian author and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2013, has written a number of short stories. And he recalls the numerous television programs they have watched together. (Chowdhury, 2013) Copyright © 2006-2013 Scientific Research Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Still since it was first released in 2000 I appreciate the difficult project Grau took translating the Russian lessons learned for us. One of this doubleness, or reciprocation, might be put like this: in vivid images and dramatic scenes she presents, and makes real and convincing, concepts that we usually couch in abstract terms, cliches, and wordy description. Grant begins to feel dissatisfaction and look for that passionate love once again outside the marriage. The Bear Came over the Mountain. Vignette-style teaching is so much more effective than pure hypothetical doctrine, especially when accompanied by maps. Alice Munro, Our Chekhov. He wanted never to be away from her. This book is commonly recommended for military officers and students of counterinsurgency. I mean, you almost know. No more loose wives” (Munro, 295). Interesting, if fairly dry, take on the Soviet campaign in Afghanistan. Sarah Polley’s “Away From Her” simulates the feeling of reading a good Munro story: it’s earned its sentimentality and does not stretch to elicit a response from the audience; it engages you with the characters, revealing their flaws without losing your affection; finally, it leaves you shaken. In Grant’s dream, a girl student who he had an affair with earlier commits suicide. He often reads to her in the reading room, books about chaste love and lost-and-regained fortunes. Their marriage now is an empty shell supported merely by commitment. You can listen to NPR talk about the film, read a review of the film, or – best of all – read the Munro piece yourself. If her story is compared to a house, Munro encourages her readers to explore what’s out there, and to reach beyond the boundaries. He fought in Vietnam. “Their time of liveliest intimacy”, is when they have their daily conversations before supper (Munro, 292). Home | About SCIRP | Sitemap | Contact Us.