The humerus is the long bone in the upper arm. In Like all long bones, the humerus is hollow in the middle of its shaft and is reinforced at the ends by small columns of spongy bone known as trabeculae. Head of the humerus . Start studying Humerus anatomy. Fractures of the humerus are relatively common and can occur at any location on the humerus. Head of humerus The supinator. The axillary nerve is located at the proximal end, against the shoulder girdle. At the proximal end, most fractures are located at the surgical neck and are most common in the elderly, especially those with osteoporosis. Impact fracture. Humerus, long bone of the upper limb or forelimb of land vertebrates that forms the shoulder joint above, where it articulates with a lateral depression of the shoulder blade (glenoid cavity of scapula), and the elbow joint below, where it articulates with projections of the ulna and the radius. The Humerus is the largest bone of the upper limb and it has two ends and a shaft. The humerus is classified structurally as a long bone because it is considerably longer than it is wide. Right Humerus - Arm Bone by Doctor Jana on Sketchfab. The shaft connects both the proximal and distal ends. Nerves. It is located between the elbow joint and the shoulder. Diagram of the human shoulder joint, back view The left shoulder and acromioclavicular joints, and the proper ligaments of the scapula. Red bone marrow, the tissue that produces new blood cells, is found in the ends of the humerus and supported by the trabeculae. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Anatomy of Humerus. The proximal end is round and has an articular head. The distal end is irregular in shape.