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Should be a blast. Where did you stay the night? And everything we did was only around half of the massive and incredible route. We parked the Jeep and hopped out onto the covered sidewalks, which is where most of the burros had also retreated to. The trail remained mostly smooth and fast moving. Overlooking Lake Havasu City from along the trail. Tommorrow is the st patty poker run off of Shea rd . It was late afternoon and our 55 miles from here to Swansea had taken most of the day. Past Salome, we would use a dirt connector to head northwest and meetup with the western branch of the trail near Swansea. After passing a trail kiosk, we soon found ourselves rolling through the “residential” streets of Golden Valley. For those that need a taste of a long overnight trip, here’s our Arizona Peace Trail Drive Report. After making it to Bullhead City by about 4, we quickly topped off the cooler and picked up a few things before continuing on. The trail dropped a bit more before we reached our turnoff for the night. We opted to camp a bit further north and closer to Highway 95 than originally planned. Originally, ore was hauled via rail to the Gulf of California, and then via boat to South Wales, in the United Kingdom. Tomorrow should be better. This year, my cousin & I met up in February to tackle a mostly desert trail, which actually worked out quite well as far as weather is concerned. The buildings remain in varying states of decay. Getting aired down at the trail start in Dateland, about 10 miles north of I-8. While we didn’t see any active workings, someone clearly still owns the property and mining efforts that remain off the trail side today. This isolated area would have been used to train pilots, sight guns on B-25’s, and provide an unobstructed area to train pilots that would fly throughout the war. On our way to I-40 & Kingman, the road was a mix of pavement, dirt, and excellent views. Thought I saw you Bully. I’ve missed out on these Rides for a few years, it was so nice to get back into it. The Planet area was first prospected by Richard Ryland in 1863, making it one of the earliest substantial mining efforts in Arizona history. This small cemetery lays to rest those residents of Harquahala that lost their lives while working and living in the area. I was on that trip with u it was 7-8 for me with this group and it’s always a blast! From the ground, these large rocks which are arranged into a series of different numbers and letters seem meaningless. I folded up the now the soggy tent away and put on the travel cover. Tank tracks remain on the desert floor outside of camp. We continued back the way we came and eventually returned back to Harquahala Road. A short distance up the trail, we once again split off the main road as we headed east to attempt to see some more mining ruins. This muddy section proved to be very slick. Great times again! The mine produced high-grade copper. The jagged peaks around us were surrounded by a fast retreating fog. The next morning was beautiful and sunny at camp. The road swung north and reached a high point for the day, before crossing into La Paz County. Trying to think ahead, we decided to use our emergency tarp to create a sort of lean-to around the back of the Jeep – which would end up being a mistake. When is the next ride????????????? Things remained moderate and slow paced. The town had nearly everything -- a post office, electric company, lumber company, theaters, and even an auto dealer at one point. Since its decline, the BLM has taken efforts to preserve the townsite today. Epic ride. We managed to get a fire going, and relaxed around it for a while, trying to get as warm and dry as we possibly could. The Arizona Peace Trail is a new 675-mile long looped OHV Adventure Trail which links Mojave, La Paz, and Yuma Counties in western Arizona. With countless different side trails and turns to navigate, carrying a solid map is critical in this section. The airfields were abandoned in 1957. After a healthy amount of dishes, we began the process of putting everything back in the Jeep and folding it up one last time. We parked the Jeep and got out on foot to check out some of the main ruins. We relaxed for a few more minutes before beginning on clean up. Past the townsite sits the remains of the actual mines, which were rumored to have had its fair share of high-grading, or stealing ore, from the company.