Help. I'm looking for an 1980's pop/dance song from a movie, it was on the 80's Soundtracks radio channel after the Ghostbusters theme song and it sounded a bit like either 3 Speed or Pointer Sisters with the lyrics 'can't fight the rhythm.' ok so I haven't heard this song in the longest time but it went something like (it is pretty upbeat, not a long song and its sung by a male artist)Cuz you're the best, the best damn thing I've ever had, and I was ...... obsessed/upset/idk (this obsessed part is sung a little higher than the first part. I'm just guess but I think your looking for Should've Known Better by Clean Bandit. Song has at least one longer instrumental bit without any singing.Thank you. my baby, never gona be my baby" "one day you'll realize i'm the man for you there's no disguising, too late to realize you've said your peace and now i'm leaving, i've had enough and now i'm leaving." The song is on the slower side. I've been trying to find this song for years but can't find the name anywhere. :(, Hi thereI am looking for a song that is a slower electronic chilled out tune. I hope that someone can help me find this song. sounds like Journey’s “Mother, Father”, maybe? The chorus goes like this: it’s a wonderful wonderful time, streets feel like home now nobody’s alone, people everywhere yeah it’s a great atmosphere.Pls help!!! I can't find this one song about a girl who used to be in love with this guy when they were kids then they grew and realized they weren't in love or something and she talks about how things have changed and he isn't accepting that. If I'm not right I'm sorry. Fa-ther?..." Looking for a song " you are my why i wake up in the morning why 8 hours feels like 40 when all i want to do is come home to you " help!!!! I am searching for the same ....if anyone knows kindly respond ... Im looking for a song with the lyrics “ Do you remember when he told you that he loved you? Looking for 90's hip hop song that has an eerie/haunting intro/chorus in it. Not the one by Shinee or Chris Brown. Does anyone know what it is? I think the word 'gold' might be in there too. Very sweet voice.Who will find this song will not regret It because It is too good to listen and propably you will thanks me :DDD, Your song lyrics reminded me of this, but I could be way off:, OMG Thanks for reply! It's playing in the background of "Good Luck Chuck" while Dane Cook is driving Jessica Alba home. Anyone could help me please? Looking for a classic hip hop song where the guy raps about getting 45 stiches for a bitch and he ends the song with saying theres a knife in his gut. The song is by a female artist...and it sounds like Siouxsie and the Banshees and the song has 'in the darkness, all over in all those places' or 'distant places' and sees...'in the spotlight, I see them everywhere'. Thanks anyway Ian. The lyrics that I heard were "on the dusty ground" and "each sperm that can't be found. im looking for a song that was at the end of a show I watched. I hope someone here can help me.Big thanks if you do, I'm trying to find a old dance song I cant place its year but lyircs are a womans voice and goes somthing like "I was lost now I'm found now I finaly found belifeeeee yeah" that's the chorus of anyone could help thanks. I just heard a woman on youtube singing it at a live event. It's a male singer and sounds a bit 80's. The Year of the song could be from 80's ti 2010 max I think.The only words I know are (probably totally wrong) " and just ****** oh, ****** so now I'm Happy, oh ". You're such a nice guy when you're not talking about yourself..." Has a female singer, I was searching for this one as well as one of my favourite streamers plays it A LOT! I'm looking for a song, older sung by a lady;I let him touch my body, but I never let him touch my heart.... Hi all, please can you help me, I've been searching for this particular song for almost 10 years. I've never heard this song before, so I absolutely have no idea where it's from or how old it is.It sounded a lot like electro swing and had a female singer. Rain ... One of them ...Please help me, Please guys I heard this song on my training it’s kinda rock and the main part goes I know you want you want it bad I can’t rember the rest of lyrics. Lyrics:And now I'mFalling for ya, falling for yaI know I shouldn't but II just can't stop myself fromFalling for ya, falling for yaCan't hold on any longerAnd now I'm falling for you, Thank you so much for your answer, but it's not this one. Looking for an oldies reggae song with a woman singer. 2019 I remember only this version ) < 3 no it is there 's something like `` what. With this line with force (? on kneels all tonight Yeee eee try to change you. 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