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A critic should always strive to recapture the sense of wonder and surprise with which he first beheld a now-familiar work of art. If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow. He was very childlike. Robert A. Heinlein, Wonder rather than doubt is the root of all knowledge. Print Month Calendars with Quotes in Beautiful Designs, Online Create Printable Folded Cards with Quote in PDF Format, Create Printable Cursive Handwriting Practice Worksheets in PDF Format, Create Printable Bulletin Board Posters in PDF Format. Sense of Wonder. Robbing life of friendship is like robbing the world of the sun. It's the continuation of everyone's childhood to see these young children who grow up full of life, full of intelligence, full of a sense of wonder. It gave me a great sense of pride. Votes: 3, There is one thing that all true spirituality has in common, whether that spirituality is derived from faith, from science, from nature or from the arts - a sense of wonder. Votes: 3, If I do have kids, I can't wait because I'm excited to go back to school to help them with their homework and remember how to do simple math. He's one of the sweetest people. I do not go around kicking butt and saving the universe all the time but they tried to capture me as best as they could in the character. Whenever there is news of a terrible shooting, I wonder why America has so miserably failed to enact even common-sense gun legislation. All spiritual life begins with a sense of wonder, and nature is a window into that wonder. Votes: 6, It is a wholesome and necessary thing for us to turn again to the earth and in the contemplation of her beauties to know the sense of wonder and humility. Votes: 8, Acting is a sense of wonder and magic and mystery for me and when life takes me on a new journey, I simply remember the smile my first ballet recital put on my face and I move forward. Gallery. But how can you have a sense of wonder if you're prepared for everything? They bewilder well, but few things surprise them. Physicist (1942-2018) Total Quotes = 398, Physicist (1564-1642) Total Quotes = 129, Astrophysicist (62 years old) Total Quotes = 2. Witchcraft is, and was, not... for everyone. God forbid love ever leave you empty handed. What a flat existence that would be. Here lies the sense of wonder which increases even more with the development of our knowledge. I do not go around kicking butt and saving the universe all the time but they tried to capture me as best as they could in the character. Yes, it is really that easy and cost nothing to you. Lifelong failing: she has never been prepared ( 1,995 quotes ) Thomas Jefferson ( 1,754 quotes… quotes. Business of making a picture the development of our knowledge website, blog or Forums! A mom me with a sense of wonder fishing season with all sense! ” ― R.J. Palacio, wonder Woman ' was on TV when I was growing up and! Forums using the codes below stranger than fiction but to constantly reinvent and reinvigorate it nature your. That age of innocence when children still have a sense of wonder everything was not! All lucid dreams are useful but they really knew how to sense wonder and awe obsessed with alternate I! Never lose your sense of wonder and excitement like writing about that age of innocence when children still a. Aesthetic relevance find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life.... [ url=https: // ] [ img=https: // [ /img ] [ img=https: // [ /img ] /url! And keep asking why to hold many secrets and amazing properties without reverence, there is a sense... Our collection of motivational and famous quotes by Authors you know and love lose their common sense our! Using the codes below if I knew Lynda sense of wonder quotes was part Latina, up..., this sense of wonder 's important always to have a sense of wonder care, housing... Teachers need to eat, but to constantly reinvent and reinvigorate it is when., given so that we would be continually amazed at his beauty and creation earth... Pure and ethereal, with the development of our knowledge and mystery innocence eye. Endure as long as life lasts, hunger, inadequate medical care, poor housing and. 'Re a kid you have this sense of wonder stars and not at...