To fill with rage; to provoke to frenzy or madness; to make furious. : I was first confused, then enraged, as he bobbed in the waves repeating his taunting question. Enrage example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. 3. Copyright 2020 LoveToKnow. There was something in the purity and refinement of that sad face that seemed to, When she ran, her flight appeared to excite and, Indeed, I used it aloud this afternoon in addressing him, so utterly did he, Take madame to the theatre, if it were only for once in your life, to, Laughter no longer lightens the heart, anger may no longer, He is shown the image in David's bed, which he says will only, They did not like to give their daughter to the Lion, yet they did not wish to, I saw that the Past was still prowling, and it behooved me not to irritate, not to, The pathway of the young princess was not all strewn with roses, however, as her marriage seemed to, But when thou pratest of thy honors, thou dost but, His principal reason for doing so was because he knew it would, They'll do no harm to speak of unless you fire and, Organizing in a sentence | Short example sentence for organizing, Knew in a sentence | Short example sentence for knew, Estate Agent in a sentence | Short example sentence for estate agent, Eighth in a sentence | Short example sentence for eighth, Blacked in a sentence | Short example sentence for blacked, Hipper in a sentence | Short example sentence for hipper, Loudly in a sentence | Short example sentence for loudly, Curious in a sentence | Short example sentence for curious, Scoundrel in a sentence | Short example sentence for scoundrel, Day Care in a sentence | Short example sentence for day care, Displease in a sentence | Short example sentence for displease, Embolden in a sentence | Short example sentence for embolden, Unnerve in a sentence | Short example sentence for unnerve, Rile in a sentence | Short example sentence for rile, Irk in a sentence | Short example sentence for irk, Antagonize in a sentence | Short example sentence for antagonize, Mollify in a sentence | Short example sentence for mollify, Infuriate in a sentence | Short example sentence for infuriate, Words to describe Enrage | Enrage Adjectives. Tranquilizing Shot: Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds (down from 20), and now dispels, 27. : I have to admit, I got kind of mad at Jeni because she really wasn't taking my enraged rants very seriously. The bully glared like an enraged bull at me. Running will only enrage it. Examples of enraged in a sentence: 1. Anesthetic Poison: Now also removes one, 25. Learn the definition of enrage and how to use it in a sentence. (transitive) To fill with rage; to provoke to frenzy or madness; to make furious. Let grief Convert to anger; blunt not the heart, Mais, a peine l'avais-je dans la main, que mes amis, qui etaient aupres de moi, tomberent dessus comme des, Cette bataille fit dire a Kutusow, general en chef de l'armee russe, que les Francais, loin de se laisser abattre par la cruelle extremite ou ils se trouvaient reduits, n'en etaient que plus, The remark about acting like a crazy man seemed to. To provoke; fire; kindle; irritate; exasperate; incense; To fret; inflame; excite; provoke; tease; vex; exasperate; anger; incense; The word "enrage" in a example sentences. 15. Example sentences for: enrage How can you use enrage in a sentence? 2. She was enraged at the injustice of the remark. And, that you may not think I enviously praise those kinds of writing which I decline undertaking, when others handle them well: that poet to me seems able to walk upon an extended rope, who with his fictions grieves my soul, Then I told him all that I could, all but the fact that Stuart had spoken slightingly of the girl, for I knew that this would only, I'm obliged to withhold consent, for what seems a good reason-to wit: A single page of horse-car poetry is all that the average reader can stand, without nausea; now, to stack together all of it that has been written, and then add it to my article would be to, Jests at his expense, if well written, usually amused him; cheap jokes only made him sad; but sarcasms and innuendoes were likely to, My excuses, but ze pigs make me to be mooch, I pray you, speak not; he grows worse and worse; Question. Why should the word of hope enrage you thus? 4. She was enraged at his stupidity. This website focus on english words and example sentences, so everyone can learn how to use them. He was enraged at his weakness. She was enraged by his presumpt Examples of enrage in a Sentence His thoughtless behavior enraged us. Learn the definition of the word "enrage" and how to use enrage in a sentence. Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. Top searched words