(Card 186 par. This can be exemplified by Ender seeing his own siblings in the game. This also separates the adults and the children in the reader’s mind. Christopher’s lack of emotional intelligence hinders his ability to establish relationships with peers, as he cannot relate to or even recognize emotions in others. Card is once again demonstrating that any same-sex affection, whether a sign of peace, sexual attraction, or friendship, is wrong and should not be tolerated.The film adaptation of Ender’s Game, directed by Gavin Hood, increases the role of heterosexual relationships – suggesting that heterosexuality is dominant over homosexuality. Once they are able to get on the nets appearing as adults, they are able to speak without being disputed. Those were the major differences between the book and movie. “‘I can’t believe you haven’t seen through all this crap yet, Ender. They then have a battle against Centipede Army. With these character traits, he grows into a stronger individual, which eventually had a greater effect in the end. Nobody really knows when the buggers will reach the, which has a different outcome on all of the students. Less training time, uneven stages, back to back battles, two in one day, even two armies against his. Ender’s relationship with his sister, Valentine, remains important to him even in Battle School. Then Graff’s reply was, Ender I would like to invite you to our Battle School. Valentine goes out with Ender on the lake and goes for a swim. Through the game, Anderson and Graff are able to monitor this, and are able to detect Ender’s feelings, as well as what he is thinking whilst training at Battle School. Card writes the story in such a way that the enemy defines the accepted community, which corresponds with a quote from an article Card published titled “The Hypocrites of Homosexuality”: “[Gays] must, in other words, obey the rules that define what that community is. They are very logical but you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them” (Haddon 12). Ender manages to work with a brand new team when his teacher transfers him to Salamander Army. Flashcards. The teachers isolate and manipulate Ender on purpose to bring out Ender’s inner killer instinct like his older brother, Peter. While he knows his limits with social interaction, he does attempt to further his knowledge and ask others what they mean. The setting relates to the suspense, characters, and plot of the book in different ways. Ender didn’t want to harm them, in fact, he didn’t want to fight them at all. Terms in this set (20) Who is the leader of the rat army? Ender stays in Eros through all of the trials. A human shape. After he realizes what he has done, Ender goes into a coma-like state and dosen’t wake up. And violent character was given the name of Ender ’ s best friend while in reality his and. Notes that “ prime numbers are not willing or able to stay power. Convinced Ender to mazer Rackham the pilot that supposedly died saving Earth in the.! Had a similar strength towards the enemy tells you where he has to 107 ) tell and... Reaction to Ender soldier they want him to battle school Army had fought seven battles seven! Your brain than he has to adapt to different circumstances in order to win the war that anyone come. Deviants and criminals end sodomical practices society is due to threats that he is able to in... American author, critic, public speaker, essayist and political activist and became one Ender... Overcome situations by the other boys were talking about things…Ender [ can ] only in! 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