Acces… 1.2. TCU Email 1.1. OneDrive 2.1. Sign In. Free Office Downloads for TCU Faculty and Staff on Personal Devices With our Office 365 Education Plus licensing, current TCU Faculty and Staff now have Some of the O365 benefits/features: 1. MY.TCU.EDU. Having trouble logging on? Select one of the knowledge articles below or use the link at the bottom to create a ticket for issues related to Email and Calendaring. 2. Username/Password Help? Mailbox size is 50GB. my.TCU.EDU. Need a TCU … Using Office 365, along with OneDrive, gives students access to everything they need with a consistent experience across devices. Start Over Username/Password Help? Office 365 (O365) is now available to all TCU students and provides students with email, cloud file storage, collaboration services, and free downloads of the latest version of Office. Need a TCU Username? Student email can be accessed several ways on different devices (see our O365 FAQ): Use any web browser (at Outlook - Windows or Students (who graduate after 2013) get to keep the TCU email account for the life of the service. Having trouble logging on? (TCU login required)