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Me pidieron que me hiciera a un lado para dejar pasar la ambulancia. Quisiera anunciar que renuncio como director de la compañía. To have a chance, as of gaining or accomplishing something. The leading actor was ill and another actor stood in for him. SAFe 5.0 is a significant update to the Framework that provides guidance on the seven core competencies that help an organization become a Lean Enterprise and achieve Business Agility.Moreover, SAFe 5.0 is fully backward compatible with SAFe 4.6, allowing for a smooth migration. The conductor placed the sheet music on the stand. Será mejor que te mantengas alejado de la fogata, no te vayas a quemar. Fair AdBlocker not only improves your browsing, but is further focused on blocking the most annoying and disruptive adverts, like popups and malware, while also letting you to seamlesly support websites that respect your choice via our Fair Ads program. To act as best man or maid of honor for (the groom or bride) at a wedding. I will stand aside if anyone else wants the job. The professor's stand on the issue is clear. Essential SAFe is the most basic configuration of the framework and it provides the minimal elements necessary to be successful with SAFe. Download our English Dictionary apps - available for both iOS and Android. Once I finished giving my testimony, the judge told me I could stand down. Last 100 years I won't stand for any more of his racist comments. He stands around talking instead of doing his work. Toda la compañía estuvo en posición de firmes al unísono. All Years Is something important missing? stand es un término alternativo para kickstand. stand on ceremony; stand on one's rights. The entire company stood to attention in perfect unison. It supports building large, integrated solutions that typically require hundreds of people or more to develop and maintain. We just can't stand for that kind of behavior. The horrible scream made his hair stand on end. Esperaba que el gato echara a correr, pero se quedó plantado. Meine Einwilligung kann ich hier widerrufen. All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. No te pares en esa silla porque te caerás. Tallinn is a beautiful city to visit, if you can stand the sub-zero temperatures. If you can stand to wait another 10 minutes, I'll walk you home. I can't stand my overbearing, demanding boss. tal como están las cosas, por como están las cosas. CHOOSE HOW MANY FAIR ADS TO UNBLOCK FOR A FAIR WEB, A FAST ADBLOCKER FOR UNWANTED ADS, POPUPS, MALWARE, AND TRACKERS. I'd like to announce that I'm standing down as director of the company. I'm glad our normal teacher is back; the stand-in wasn't very good. La postura del profesor en el asunto es clara. Our old car has stood up well over time. El carro impactó a Bridget a 70 mph. Wow, those bright colors really stand out. We founded Stands to give users a better way to control their online experience. يَقِفُ مكتوف اليَدَيْن، يَقْفُ مُتًفَرِّجا. she is standing for election to Parliament. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. The mayor claims to stand for honesty in government and jobs for everyone. He stood up to the bigger boys who tried to bully him; These chairs have stood up to very hard use.