#316: When the dealer lowered the prices on the sports cars they: Went Fast The Jumble Word Puzzle usually has a set of 4 clue accompanied by a drawing illustrating the clues. Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged 10/3/20, daily jumble, jumble, jumble answer, jumble answers, jumble answers today, jumble puzzle, jumble solution, jumble solver, todays jumble | 14 Replies Jumble Answers for 10/02/2020. New feature! #333: What the zombie took at the archery competition: Dead Aim #368: The photo shoot for the Beatles album cover turned the street into: Garbey Road The puzzle includes scrambled letters. You’ll see a lot of tourists… Venice has BOATLOADS OF THEM! ‘Cause far as credits go for him? #467: Getting into a traffic accident on the way to get fast food put him: ON A CRASH DIET Answers for the Daily Jumble October 09, 2020 Answers are displayed here for you to check them in case you haven’t been able to crack them yourself. And I think I SPADE you homage! #673: After he walked home the winning run the pitcher: Threw A Fit Thanks for the nice color picture Angela! https://tinyurl.com/yy2bh539, It’s very pretty in color…https://tinyurl.com/y6tujf4y ♀️, ♂️ The room STUFFY, the atmosphere DISMAL, the ORATOR boring, the crowd…BOATLOADS OF THEM, but none to his liking…a sense of COBALT blues is what came to mind…all adding to his STRESS…he had to get out of here, ANYHOW possible…♂️, No matter how he tried to think, nothing worked ANYHOW, #226: The waiters cold would soon force him: Out Of Service #438: The jumble artist’s cartoon is a: Line Drawing #782: They Stood In Line To See The Movie Because The Heard It Was: Outstanding #369: The octopus made such a good security guard because he was always this: Heavily Armed #303: When they decided to create the declaration of independence they did this: Made History #366: Levi Strauss was successful selling pants because he was a: Jeaniu Amazing is right! #360: The dog was content to sleep through all the festivities because he wasnt a: Animal Party #736: The new discount store was: Close-‘Buy’ #374: Their lobster in bangor was a: Maine Dish #631: The cooks at the new breakfast restaurant were ready to: Get Crackling #429: The nursery owner told her new employee the: Ground Rules #257: The computer repairman had one: A Hard Drive It’s a few years old. QUESTION The antiques website features (2 blanks). #663: The ironworkers listened to: Heavy Metal #780: When They Looked For A Place To Build Their New Home, They Were ‘Site’-Seeing Am stuck on 1014 does anybody knows the answer, I need the answer to puzzle 1084, kid avoiding work, no coins left. #738: Lunchtime at the prison was: Serving Time And the water? #229: He knew so much about model railroads because hed been this: Well Trained #290: The runner who forgot his running shoes was: Not Too Swift #40: His parents were upset with him because he had broken one: Cardinal Rule The clues and image illustration always provide hints for you to solve the answer phrase. #598: Carrying all the treasure caused the pirate to get: Chest Pains Daily Jumble Answers Today. #219: What the landfill artist made when he started gluing pieces together: Junk Bonds Seeing the cartoon in color was also a treat….. ♀️. #233: The tv series about the pirates had: Good “Raidings” #770: The Bird Decided To Steel The Diamond Necklace Because He Felt he Was: Above The Law Yes would someone help me please with 1011 I’m stuck. #18: The relationship between the body builders wasn’t: Working Out #174: When their nuclear fusion experiment failed again the scientists had: No Recreation #528: He arrested the painter because he was a: CON ARTIST If you’d like, I can post the colorized version each day…it is pretty to look at. #659: He was struggling to find a new guitar because he was: Too Picky #519: His poor judgement when it came to designing tank tops would cause him to: LOSE HIS SHIRT #797: When He Didn’t Buy His Wife3 The Diamond Ring She Was Hoping For He: Paid The Price #362: After he pitched a perfect game he: Threw A Party Here are answers for Daily Jumble questions. Maybe that’s what’s making the man at the window seem so cynical! Awesome site! #610: You know its autumn when the: Leave Leave Hi Marthyna, I’ll be able to get up more answers soon. #656: The weightlifters new world record: Raise The Bar #196: It was easy for him to view the constellations because he was a: Night Watchman #284: Setting this jumble cartoon at night left a few people: In The Dark #115: Two weeks past her due date she began to get nervous about the: Birth Wait Need help on 1162 I have debt but need matterlin. #470: The expectant mother tied everything to her: DUE DATE #420: An important way to compensate our veterans is to: Pay Respect #3: The discussion about the weather was this: Heated #365: Everything was going along nicely in the strawberry field until someone: Picked A Fight Be well and stay safe…♀️. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. But for your 40 minutes as you’re ensconced stern to stem #204: The space station astronaut was so into his book that he couldn’t do this: Put It Down #393: His desire to own the biggest plumbing company in town was: A Pipe Dream #381: When it cam time to explain the teams defeat the coach was this: At a Loss #675: When they split the cost of the taxi ride Everyone paid his: Fare Share This FREE app launches with more than 230 of the best Jumbles ever created!