future light rail stations

Bachelor of Computer Science Advanced (Honours). More about alternative pathways... Additionally, we recognise that some applicants may have experienced difficulties that have disadvantaged them when applying for university. If you have done two Mathematics units at school then don’t let them go to waste! Using the map as a guide, you should then enrol into four units (24 credit points) for semester 1 and four units (24 credit points) for semester 2. (a.) In your third year you will enjoy a half-year scholarship placement in a research group of a participating company or organisation, or in the highly regarded Industry Based Learning (IBL) program. The year of study, 1st year, 2nd year etc., is the first digit of each unit code. In the meantime, you can enrol in a standard enrolment to secure your place in the course. Last updated: 18 September 2017. This extends even to practical issues like the study of computer graphics and computer animation in general; these topics call for descriptions of curves and surfaces and these descriptions are specified using the language of Mathematics. By continuing to use our website, you agree to our Privacy and Cookie Policy. Did you know you can compare them side-by-side in our Compare-tool? ABN 12 377 614 012 Accessibility - Disclaimer and copyright - Privacy, Monash University CRICOS Provider Number: 00008C, Monash College CRICOS Provider Number: 01857J. Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year. Monash statement on media reports about greyhounds in research. You are a domestic student if you are an: You are an international student if you don’t fall under any of the domestic student requirements. You can submit your credit application and supporting documentation for assessment online before or after you enrol (AFTER you create your Monash computer account). demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the role of computer science and computational methods, and recognise the importance of theoretical underpinning for practical work; demonstrate understanding of ethical issues in professional and research practice and its historical, contemporary and likely future scientific, industrial and social context; critically analyse problems, design algorithms to solve them, program efficient software solutions and demonstrate the ability to transform and apply computational solutions to new contexts; apply problem-solving strategies to design, implement and critically evaluate substantial pieces of software using a range of programming paradigms, advanced data structures and algorithms; communicate and coordinate proficiently by: listening, speaking, reading and writing English and utilising diagrams, graphics and interactive visualisations in a professional and research context; working as an effective member or leader of teams; and using basic tools and practices of formal project management. Information for Indigenous Australians, Profile of Professor Margaret Gardner AO – President and Vice-Chancellor, Office of the Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President, David Pitt - Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, Peter Marshall - Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President, Major Initiatives Implementation and Oversight (MIIO), Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou), Celebrating 50 Years of Indigenous Programs, Indigenous Employment at Monash University, Monash Indigenous Access Program (MIAP) and Indigenous Non-Award Pathway (INAP), Contact the Yulendj Indigenous Engagement Unit, Making the transition to university study, Amaero - Additive manufacturing of aerospace equipment, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) - drug delivery and formulation development, Institute for Safety, Compensation and Recovery Research (ISCRR) – research-policy partnership, Janssen Pharmaceuticals – lupus research, PACIA - Chemicals and Plastics Industry Training Program, Public Transport Victoria - Public Transport Research Group, Starpharma – drug delivery deal with Astra Zeneca, Takeda – gastrointestinal diseases and disorders, TALI - Attention measurement and training tool, IITB-Monash Research Academy Graduation Day, Yale-StudentsundertakeintensiveprogramatYale-copy.png, Internationalisation and Commercialisation of Research, Alumna reflections: strong legacy; bright future, International scholarships and loan schemes, Erasmus Staff Mobility Program with Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, Monash welcomes ARWU ranking: 79th globally, New gene sequencing technique opens door to improved organ donor matching, New research into the capabilities of the human memory indicates that the ability to recall faces may be stronger than previously thought, Monash University appointment of Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Enterprise), Sleep disorders and the disturbance of the internal body clock, Boosting immune response may pave way to combat superbug, Monash tests show promising results for synthetic skin, Astronomical discoveries that are truly out of this world, Monash is inaugural ‘City in Motion’ for Australia, Significant investment for the performing arts at Monash University, Offshore detention: Australians have a right to know what is done in their name, GPs need to become champions for osteoporosis treatment, Monash study will lead improvements in sedation practice for intensive care patients, First patient overnight stay at MHTP Clinical Trials Centre, Tapping into the power of ‘wasted’ energy, Immune breakthrough: unscratching poison ivy's rash, How assessing broken ships can help assess broken bones, Monash University research gives us a crash course in cycling in Melbourne, Monash part of high-level scientific advisory group on global policymaking, Monash University appoints Professor Mick Dodson as Vice-Chancellor's Professorial Fellow. 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