Moderate or heavy rain shower will be the weather pattern for the Thursday. The daytime temperature is going to reach 26 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 17 °c at night. Wednesday seems to be light rain shower. On Tuesday weather will be heavy rain with daytime temperature reaching 22 °c. The rainfall is abundant, with a yearly average precipitation of 1,600ml. If anything is not correct on our website or you have any feedbacks or queries then please do get in touch. Hainan is therefore also a very popular end to a tour of China. Based on our historical data over a period of ten years, the warmest sea in this day in Hainan Island was recorded in 2015 and was 84.4°F/29.1°C, and the coldest was recorded in 2011 at 80.1°F/26.7°C. Hainan, China visibility is going to be around 9 km i.e. Hainan has dry periods in January, February, March, April, November and December. Get the monthly weather forecast for Haikou, Hainan, China, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. We expect around 22.0 mm of precipitation to fall and cloud covering 80% of the sky, the humidity will be around 92%. 82 °F: The temperature comes to its climax in June when an average temperature of 28 C (82 F), but it still feels rather cool in the mornings and evenings thanks to the ocean breezes. Up to 90 days of daily highs, lows, and precipitation chances. 4 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1011 mb .The daytime temperature is going to reach 23 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 19 °c at night.We expect around 1.8 mm of precipitation to fall and cloud covering 76% of the sky, the humidity will be around 90%. It will be mostly dry with little or no precipitation and cloud covering 72% of the sky, the humidity will be around 84%. Your comments for this place (water quality, сrowds, service etc. Temperature chart displays the maximum and minimum temperature over next 15 days. 3 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1008 mb. Climate on Hainan in China The fantastic bays like Dadonghai, Yalong- or Haitang Bay on Hainan are especially popular because the Chinese island offers pleasant temperatures all year round. Text weather page will allow you to get a weather text summary for next 14 days and weather chart page displays weather pattern like temperature, wind speed, gust, pressure, etc. Sanya is a good tourism resort in all weather and all year round. Besides water temperature, you can also get information about the weather for today, tomorrow and the upcoming days, surf forecast, as well as the data on sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset at a given point on any given day. The temperature comes to its climax in June when an average temperature of 28 C (82 F), but it still feels rather cool in the mornings and evenings thanks to the ocean breezes. 3 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1008 mb . 4 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1006 mb. A generally high temperature all the year round is the biggest characteristic of Hainan weather. Night time temperature are expected to be 9 °c.We expect around 92.2 mm of precipitation to fall. Temperature chart displays the maximum, minimum and average temperature from 2008 on month by month basis. The four seasons are not distinct: summer is long and hot, while other seasons are warm. The daytime temperature is going to reach 26 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 19 °c at night. The swimming season in Hainan Island lasts from January to December, twelve months per year! 5 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1004 mb. Today's weather is turning out to be patchy rain possible. Northern Hainan, including the island's capital Haikou, has a humid subtropical climate, while most of the rest of the island has a tropical monsoon climate with warmer annual temperatures the further south a location is.